Here's the config.
Site A - server and pbr
Site B - server and pbr
Site B is pulling, and finally synch'd all the data from site A thru the pbr at site B.
Site B has a zfs pool where the data is stored.
I can see the 'data' and incrementals on site B.
Site B drive info on the pbr server looks like this -
zpool on site b (pbr) server looks like this -
site B - pve zpool info -
Nevermind - got it. Wrong login info.
I am unable - from Site B - pve server, to see that datastore. What have I missed? I try to add that datastore on the pve at Site B - but never the 'ok/add' button is always gray. i have copied the finger print and specified the zfs datastore on Site B correctly.
Site A - server and pbr
Site B - server and pbr
Site B is pulling, and finally synch'd all the data from site A thru the pbr at site B.
Site B has a zfs pool where the data is stored.
I can see the 'data' and incrementals on site B.
Site B drive info on the pbr server looks like this -
zpool on site b (pbr) server looks like this -
site B - pve zpool info -
Nevermind - got it. Wrong login info.
I am unable - from Site B - pve server, to see that datastore. What have I missed? I try to add that datastore on the pve at Site B - but never the 'ok/add' button is always gray. i have copied the finger print and specified the zfs datastore on Site B correctly.
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