Unable to restore containers - 'Cannot open directory... No such file or directory'


New Member
Jan 6, 2019
I've exported a zpool from an old system and imported it into a fresh Proxmox install on a new system but I'm having difficulty restoring the backed up containers. I've mounted a directory on the imported zpool that points to where the backed up containers are saved but when I hit restore I get the following error:

mounting container failed
TASK ERROR: cannot open directory //Tank/subvol-100-disk-1: No such file or directory

Here is a copy of my storage.cfg:

dir: local
path /var/lib/vz
content iso,rootdir,vztmpl,backup,images
maxfiles 1
shared 0

zfspool: local-zfs
pool rpool/data
content rootdir,images
sparse 1

zfspool: MassStorage
pool Tank
content rootdir,images
sparse 0

dir: MassStorageBackup
path /mnt/Tankzfs/backup
content iso,vztmpl,rootdir,images,backup
maxfiles 1
shared 0

Backed up containers are stored in /mnt/Tankzfs/backup and the only way to see them is to mount the directory on the Tank zpool directly at that folder. Reading this support thread: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/cant-create-containers.38547/ indicated that the backup folder must be mounted at /Tank, but trying that does not work. The backed up containers do not appear available for restoring.

Is somebody able to point me in the right direction?
hmm - probably a timing issue between pve creating the subirs (dump, images, private, template) before ZFS Pool Tank gets imported...
* check whether `/mnt/Tankzfs/backup` indeed is the zfs-pool, or some other filesystem (df /mnt/Tankzfs/backup) - if its not the zfs dataset that's mounted there - move the directories away and try to mount thee zfs dataset