I built a test environment on some old HP kit, it was flawless
Now running Promax on a Moonshot cartridge
configured networking at install, chose interface 0 - installation completes ., but no networking
run through many of the posts here to try and resolve - here is where I am now - ideally this should communicate on vlan 63
the switches are presenting all vlans to the interfaces
still no joy - I must be missing something very obvious
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eno1np0 inet manual
auto vmbro inet manual
bridge-ports eno1np0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-vids 2-4094
auto vmbr0.63
iface vmbr0.63 inet static
Now running Promax on a Moonshot cartridge
configured networking at install, chose interface 0 - installation completes ., but no networking
run through many of the posts here to try and resolve - here is where I am now - ideally this should communicate on vlan 63
the switches are presenting all vlans to the interfaces
still no joy - I must be missing something very obvious
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eno1np0 inet manual
auto vmbro inet manual
bridge-ports eno1np0
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
bridge-vlan-aware yes
bridge-vids 2-4094
auto vmbr0.63
iface vmbr0.63 inet static