Unable to Remove LVM-Thin


New Member
Jan 18, 2020
Good morning,

I currently have a single node server with 8TB of raid 5 available to it internally. Within my vmdata Volume Group I have two thinpools. Plexmedia and vmstore, vmstore is holding onto an old VM (vm-103-disk-0) that I was using and will not delete. It is holding up 2 TB worth of space and I would love help trying to get rid of it.

Thank you,


Screenshot of Volume Group
Screen Shot 2020-01-18 at 10.10.07 AM.png

Screenshot of Thinpool

Screen Shot 2020-01-18 at 10.10.37 AM.png

Screenshot of removal attempt.Screen Shot 2020-01-18 at 10.20.19 AM.png
Assuming that you have a backup of all your data, you could look into the following to fix the metadata:

lvconvert --repair vmdata/vmstore
Assuming that you have a backup of all your data, you could look into the following to fix the metadata:

lvconvert --repair vmdata/vmstore
Here is my output:

root@pve:~# lvconvert --repair vmdata/vmstoreterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): transaction_manager::new_block() couldn't allocate new block
Child 26680 exited abnormally
Repair of thin metadata volume of thin pool vmdata/vmstore failed (status:-1). Manual repair required!
Thanks. And just for the sake of documenting it here (should that link ever go offline):

vgcfgbackup -f  vg.bak   vgname

edit vg.bak and remove all thinp related volumes

vgcfgrestore -f vg.bak  vgname