Unable to ping to the outside work


New Member
May 27, 2024

I'm quite new in the Proxmox world and I seem to have a problem with the networking. I've set-up two Nodes and both have the same issue. I can ping to internal IP's but I can't ping outside IP's like and
I've tried re-installing proxmox etc but it all did not help. One thing to note is that my VM's I installed on the nodes CAN reach out to the outside world. I also checked the time settings, for some reason one of the nodes is 2 hours in the future, but the other one is fine (if someone know the answer to this please inform me :)).

I also bought the "standard" subscription but I'm unable to activate it.

could you post the output of cat /etc/network/interfaces and ip a? Make sure the static IP you've set for the PVE host is in your network, and not already in use.
Yes of course,

Screenshot 1 and 2 are from node 1
Screenshot 3 and 4 are from node 2

None op the IP's where in use, and yes both are static


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Hmm, can you ping from the hosts? VMs that have internet access are on vmbr0, and get IP (from a DHCP I assume) on the same subnet(, right? Do you have a firewall configured on your router?
Thank you for your quick replies!

Yes both of them are able to ping the gateway and are in the same subnet. We also haven't configured any firewall settings.
No they're not, complete new install without any connections to other VM hosting software


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