unable to parse zfs volume name - qm rescan


Active Member
Nov 30, 2015
# qm rescan --vmid 106
rescan volumes...
unable to parse zfs volume name 'hdd/pmx/dimgs/base-107-disk-0/vm-106-disk-2'

107.conf has these disks #template
scsi0: hdd_dimgs:base-107-disk-0,cache=unsafe,discard=on,size=45G,ssd=1
scsi1: hdd_dimgs:base-107-disk-3,cache=writeback,discard=on,size=4G,ssd=1
scsi2: hdd_dimgs:base-107-disk-2,cache=writeback,discard=on,size=11G,ssd=1

106.conf has these disks #VM
scsi0: hdd_dimgs:base-107-disk-0/vm-106-disk-2,cache=unsafe,discard=on,size=45G,ssd=1
scsi1: hdd_dimgs:base-107-disk-3/vm-106-disk-1,cache=writeback,discard=on,size=4G,ssd=1
scsi2: hdd_dimgs:base-107-disk-2/vm-106-disk-0,cache=writeback,discard=on,size=11G,ssd=1

105.conf has these disks #VM
scsi0: hdd_dimgs:base-107-disk-0/vm-105-disk-0,cache=unsafe,discard=on,size=45G,ssd=1
scsi1: hdd_dimgs:base-107-disk-3/vm-105-disk-2,cache=writeback,discard=on,size=4G,ssd=1
scsi2: hdd_dimgs:base-107-disk-2/vm-105-disk-1,cache=writeback,discard=on,size=11G,ssd=1

In proxmox I have a ZFS storage defined
id: hdd_dimgs
ZFS Pool: hdd/pmx/dimgs
(Proxmox calls this ZFS Pool, but it should really be labelled ZFS Dataset)

I get the error at the top of this post when doing any of these
`qm rescan`
`qm rescan --vmid 105`
`qm rescan --vmid 106`

Both VM's work 100% fine. It's just this error is not nice, but it does not seem to cause any actual issue that I've noticed.

`qm rescan --vmid 107` does not produce any error.

106 and 105 were produced by Proxmox using the web GUI to create them from the 107 template. I have not edited their disk lines in the config, they are exactly as Proxmox created them.
Solved. It doesn't like having datasets 3 levels deep. Only 2 (one below the root dataset)

I changed it to


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