I am trying to create storage using CLI and I almost got it, but fails when trying to allocate space for the EFI drive. I can't find any information to help me understand why. If you have an idea, please share. Thank you.
This is the what I am trying to do, and below that the error I'm getting;
Please help me figure out why
This is the what I am trying to do, and below that the error I'm getting;
- qm create 100 --name hassio --net0 virtio,bridge=vmbr0 --bios ovmf --cores 2 --memory 4096 --agent enabled=1
- qm importdisk 100 haos_ova-10.1.qcow2 NFS --format qcow2
- qm set 100 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --scsi0 NFS:vm-100-disk-0
- qm set 100 --boot c --bootdisk scsi0
- pvesm alloc NFS 100 vm-100-disk-1 4M <------ This step fails
- qm set 100 -efidisk0 NFS:vm-100-disk-1
unable to parse volume filename 'vm-100-disk-1'
Please help me figure out why