[SOLVED] Unable to mount zfs VM disk

rootfs: nvme_cluster:nvme_cluster/subvol-122-disk-0,size=32G
It should be

The storage configuration says that the storage with ID nvme_cluster is mounted at /nvme_cluster. The volume name then indicates how the volume is named on the storage, it's not the path.
Now the CT loads in a loop at startup and when I want to stop it with a CT 122 stop

root@pve:~# pct stop 122
trying to acquire lock...
can't lock file '/run/lock/lxc/pve-config-122.lock' - got timeout
You can check with fuser -vau /run/lock/lxc/pve-config-122.lock what is currently holding the lock. What exactly do you see in the loop? If you do manage to stop it, you can try again with pct start 122 --debug to get more information.
You can check with fuser -vau /run/lock/lxc/pve-config-122.lock what is currently holding the lock. What exactly do you see in the loop? If you do manage to stop it, you can try again with pct start 122 --debug to get more information.

root@pve:~# pct start 122 --debug
run_buffer: 322 Script exited with status 110
lxc_init: 844 Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "122"
__lxc_start: 2027 Failed to initialize container "122"
0 hostid 100000 range 65536
INFO     lsm - ../src/lxc/lsm/lsm.c:lsm_init_static:38 - Initialized LSM security driver AppArmor
INFO     conf - ../src/lxc/conf.c:run_script_argv:338 - Executing script "/usr/share/lxc/hooks/lxc-pve-prestart-hook" for container "122", config section "lxc"
DEBUG    conf - ../src/lxc/conf.c:run_buffer:311 - Script exec /usr/share/lxc/hooks/lxc-pve-prestart-hook 122 lxc pre-start produced output: rbd error: rbd: couldn't connect to the cluster!

ERROR    conf - ../src/lxc/conf.c:run_buffer:322 - Script exited with status 110
ERROR    start - ../src/lxc/start.c:lxc_init:844 - Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "122"
ERROR    start - ../src/lxc/start.c:__lxc_start:2027 - Failed to initialize container "122"
INFO     conf - ../src/lxc/conf.c:run_script_argv:338 - Executing script "/usr/share/lxc/hooks/lxc-pve-poststop-hook" for container "122", config section "lxc"
startup for container '122' failed
DEBUG    conf - ../src/lxc/conf.c:run_buffer:311 - Script exec /usr/share/lxc/hooks/lxc-pve-prestart-hook 122 lxc pre-start produced output: rbd error: rbd: couldn't connect to the cluster!
Please check the RBD storage configuration and whether the Ceph cluster is up and running and you can access it.
nano /etc/pve/storage.cfg

dir: pve_nvme

        path /mnt/pve/pve_nvme

        content backup,images,snippets,iso,rootdir,vztmpl

        is_mountpoint 1

        nodes pve

zfspool: nvme_cluster

        pool nvme_cluster

        content rootdir,images

        mountpoint /nvme_cluster

        nodes pve,pvedist,pve1

        sparse 1

Looking to your storage config your ZFS nvme_cluster pool must have mount point to /nvme_cluster

  GNU nano 7.2                                         /etc/pve/lxc/122.conf
arch: amd64
cores: 4
features: fuse=1,nesting=1
hostname: NextcloudLXC
memory: 4096
mp0: CephBank:vm-122-disk-0,mp=/media/mp0/,backup=1,size=2000G
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1,gw=x.x.x.x,hwaddr=x:x:x:x:x:x,ip=x.x.x.x/24,type=veth
onboot: 1
ostype: debian
rootfs: nvme_cluster:nvme_cluster/subvol-122-disk-0,size=32G
swap: 2048
unprivileged: 1

rootfs should be: nvme_cluster:subvol-122-disk-0,size=32G
Looking to your storage config your ZFS nvme_cluster pool must have mount point to /nvme_cluster

rootfs should be: nvme_cluster:subvol-122-disk-0,size=32G
zfspool: nvme_cluster
        pool nvme_cluster
        content rootdir,images
        mountpoint /nvme_cluster
        nodes pve,pvedist,pve1
        sparse 1

rootfs should be: nvme_cluster:subvol-122-disk-0,size=32G
My last problem was that I had also migrated the storage part to something other than CEPH because I only have 4 nodes and ultimately 3. Given the sensitivity of the stored data, I will rather leave it on a ZFS pool with replication every 3/6 hours.

Thank you very much for your explanations, it allowed me to better understand this storage management part. :)


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