My Proxmox suddenly has become un responsive. I did a simple hostname change and ran the reboot command from the cli.
I am unable to ping the device from any of the devices all are unable to see the Proxmox IP
I am able to ping all my devices, gateway, Google DNS etc, from Proxmox so it is getting out to the internet, but for whatever reason I can't manage it.
I statically assigned it the IP of as my DHCP pool is setup for everything 21 and up. I know that static wasn't used. I went ahead and also configured another IP reboot and tried again same issue.
What I've noticed is when I run a continuous ping from my gaming pc to the Proxmox server the address would time out, that is until I type in the reboot command once I type this it come alive for about a couple replies and then it goes back to being dead. The device is seen on my homes core switch as a MAC passing and my homes gateway is recognizing the device. Reboots haven't helped and I'm hoping I don't have to rebuild this server.
I am unable to ping the device from any of the devices all are unable to see the Proxmox IP
I am able to ping all my devices, gateway, Google DNS etc, from Proxmox so it is getting out to the internet, but for whatever reason I can't manage it.
I statically assigned it the IP of as my DHCP pool is setup for everything 21 and up. I know that static wasn't used. I went ahead and also configured another IP reboot and tried again same issue.
What I've noticed is when I run a continuous ping from my gaming pc to the Proxmox server the address would time out, that is until I type in the reboot command once I type this it come alive for about a couple replies and then it goes back to being dead. The device is seen on my homes core switch as a MAC passing and my homes gateway is recognizing the device. Reboots haven't helped and I'm hoping I don't have to rebuild this server.