Unable to install Proxmox installer says No network adapter.


Feb 18, 2021

I have an integrated Intel Pro/1000 on my Asus motherboard. Kernel module e1000e is loaded in the installer environment, according to lsmod.

As a workaround, I moved the drive into another system, and installed and fully-updated proxmox with the no-subscription repo, and put the drive back. I expected to have to change the network config, since the 2 systems would use different names for ethernet (gone are the days of eth0).

Once again, the e1000e module is loaded, but 'ip a' shows only lo0 and vmbr0.

Don't know how to proceed in troubleshooting. I'm going to try to find and capture the relevant dmesg blurb and post it.
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Anyone seen this before, or have any insights/ideas? This would make a great Proxmox host, if it weren't for this one snag.
If you need more info in order to help, please let me know what you need.