Unable to input Chinese characters in the GUI of "Action Object"


May 30, 2019
Unable to input Chinese characters in the GUI of "Action Object"

Please see attached screen capture


  • proxmox error.jpg
    proxmox error.jpg
    96.6 KB · Views: 20
see: https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2057

sadly the workaround is not as straight-forward as hoped for (we need to take into account that the data currently saved in the database might have been saved with a different encoding)

We're considering ways to address the issue - however - I cannot tell you when something mitigating this will be ready

If you wish you can subscribe to the enhancement request to get notified about updates.
Do you have any solutions to solve such problem? I am a Proxmox Subscriber and right now we can not
input Chinese in the GUI→what objects , this is very important to us. I hope you may find a solution for us.

I saw your bugzilla web site , this problem happened almost more then half a year , still not fixed it .

Is this really hard to be solve? Or some reason you not release the bug fix?

Thank you.
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The Problem is a bit more complicated than it seemed initially - hence there is no fix yet.

Once there is progress on the bug it will be updated.