Hi All,
I really hope someone can help me out with this. I stupidly assumed that once I had gotten rid of ESXi and installed Proxmox that I would be able to import the ZFS pool back into FreeNAS once I had rebuilt FreeNAS as a VM.
I can see the disks on Proxmox,
and I have tried to add them to the FreeNAS VM using both
and this
I have also tried virtio, ide, sata and whilst FreeNAS sees the disks, I cannot import the pool.
This is what the VMX file looked like from ESXi
Hoping someone might have an idea of how I can mount the pool again without losing all the data as its historical CCTV data.
Thanks for looking,
I really hope someone can help me out with this. I stupidly assumed that once I had gotten rid of ESXi and installed Proxmox that I would be able to import the ZFS pool back into FreeNAS once I had rebuilt FreeNAS as a VM.
I can see the disks on Proxmox,
root@pve:~# ls /dev/disk/by-id/
and I have tried to add them to the FreeNAS VM using both
qm set 101 -scsi1 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST4000VN008-2DR166_ZM40M5FE
qm set 101 -scsi2 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST4000VN008-2DR166_ZM40M9ER
qm set 101 -scsi3 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K5KU6SLK
qm set 101 -scsi4 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD40EFRX-68N32N0_WD-WCC7K7DDV0FD
and this
qm set 101 -scsi1 /dev/sda
qm set 101 -scsi2 /dev/sdb
qm set 101 -scsi3 /dev/sdc
qm set 101 -scsi4 /dev/sdd
I have also tried virtio, ide, sata and whilst FreeNAS sees the disks, I cannot import the pool.
This is what the VMX file looked like from ESXi
scsi0:1.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"
scsi0:1.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/5d77dcd4-5c462740-6f56-001517d69db3/FreeNAS/FreeNAS_1.vmdk"
sched.scsi0:1.shares = "normal"
sched.scsi0:1.throughputCap = "off"
scsi0:1.present = "TRUE"
scsi0:2.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"
scsi0:2.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/5d77dce1-f61eccd0-4db7-001517d69db3/FreeNAS/FreeNAS_2.vmdk"
sched.scsi0:2.shares = "normal"
sched.scsi0:2.throughputCap = "off"
scsi0:2.present = "TRUE"
vmci0.id = "1390000549"
cleanShutdown = "TRUE"
sata0:0.startConnected = "FALSE"
extendedConfigFile = "FreeNAS.vmxf"
scsi0:3.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"
scsi0:3.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/5e7a3d0d-08bf87f0-16bb-b42e998079b1/FreeNAS/FreeNAS_3.vmdk"
sched.scsi0:3.shares = "normal"
sched.scsi0:3.throughputCap = "off"
scsi0:3.present = "TRUE"
scsi0:4.deviceType = "scsi-hardDisk"
scsi0:4.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/5e7a3d1c-0784c2b1-ff0b-b42e998079b1/FreeNAS/FreeNAS_4.vmdk"
sched.scsi0:4.shares = "normal"
sched.scsi0:4.throughputCap = "off"
scsi0:4.present = "TRUE"
scsi0:4.redo = ""
scsi0:2.redo = ""
scsi0:0.redo = ""
scsi0:1.redo = ""
scsi0:3.redo = ""
Hoping someone might have an idea of how I can mount the pool again without losing all the data as its historical CCTV data.
Thanks for looking,