2024-09-25T09:33:56.711430+03:00 pve ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|vsctl|INFO|Called as /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-port vmbr1 himavlan10 -- --if-exists clear port himavlan10 bond_active_slave bond_mode cvlans external_ids lacp mac other_config qos tag trunks vlan_mode -- --if-exists clear interface himavlan10 mtu_request external-ids other_config options -- set Port himavlan10 tag=10 -- set Interface himavlan10 type=internal
2024-09-25T09:33:56.766770+03:00 pve ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|vsctl|INFO|Called as /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist --fake-iface add-bond vmbr1 bond0 enp1s0f0np0 eno1 -- --if-exists clear port bond0 bond_active_slave bond_mode cvlans external_ids lacp mac other_config qos tag trunks vlan_mode -- --if-exists clear interface bond0 mtu_request external-ids other_config options -- set Port bond0 bond_mode=active-backup other_config:bond-primary=enp1s0f0np0
2024-09-25T09:33:56.767751+03:00 pve ovs-vsctl: ovs|00002|db_ctl_base|ERR|"--may-exist --fake-iface add-bond vmbr1 bond0 enp1s0f0np0 eno1" but bond0 actually has interface(s) eno1, enp8s0f1np1
So, trying to replace the interface always results in the same problem. Originally I swapped a Intel X520 for a Intel E810.
Then after all else failed, I decided to reboot. And it worked!
Today I moved the NIC to another slot and of course the same problem over again.
Steps to duplicate, probably, change interface in ovs bond-interface config and try to apply. Will not apply on the running config. Needs a reboot.
2024-09-25T09:33:56.766770+03:00 pve ovs-vsctl: ovs|00001|vsctl|INFO|Called as /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist --fake-iface add-bond vmbr1 bond0 enp1s0f0np0 eno1 -- --if-exists clear port bond0 bond_active_slave bond_mode cvlans external_ids lacp mac other_config qos tag trunks vlan_mode -- --if-exists clear interface bond0 mtu_request external-ids other_config options -- set Port bond0 bond_mode=active-backup other_config:bond-primary=enp1s0f0np0
2024-09-25T09:33:56.767751+03:00 pve ovs-vsctl: ovs|00002|db_ctl_base|ERR|"--may-exist --fake-iface add-bond vmbr1 bond0 enp1s0f0np0 eno1" but bond0 actually has interface(s) eno1, enp8s0f1np1
So, trying to replace the interface always results in the same problem. Originally I swapped a Intel X520 for a Intel E810.
Then after all else failed, I decided to reboot. And it worked!
Today I moved the NIC to another slot and of course the same problem over again.
Steps to duplicate, probably, change interface in ovs bond-interface config and try to apply. Will not apply on the running config. Needs a reboot.