Unable to boot VM over PXE


New Member
Nov 18, 2023
Hi guys,

i'm trying to install a Win10 VM over PXE on a proxmox newly installed server.
For information, PXE server is working fine for physical machines and deploy images through my SCCM server.

My problem is the following : when i run the new Win10 VM from proxmox (the issue is the same if i use E1000, vmxnet3, rtl81xx chipset or another one), it ran into PXE, i obtain an IP address, it start to boot on an image, then... it fails displaying an error message :


Does anybody have an idea ?


BIOS of UEFI VM type? Maybe change it and look if that works.

In the end, most PXE-related problems can only be debugged with debug level logging on the PXE / TFTP server side and also tcpdump to see what's happening on the network.
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Considering I selected Win10 in OS type, I assume it would be UEFI.
IMOO, this is not the problem because PXE is booting, DHCP address is well assigned, and DHCP informations picked up from server.

I suspect a network chipset issue with iPXE config ^^
Considering I selected Win10 in OS type, I assume it would be UEFI.
In addition to @leesteken's correct reply, win 10 works fine with bios/legacy boot. Win 11 on the other hand does not have official legacy support.

I suspect a network chipset issue with iPXE config ^^
You can check if you try to boot from the current ipxe boot iso and check for yourself. I need this trick in Hyper-V, because a lot of bugs in their uefi netboot with respect to my open source pxe stack (which works out-of-the-box with PXE).
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I checked the config, i'm not in UEFI mode.

Here's my tftp debug :

Any suggestion ? :)
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BIOS of UEFI VM type? Maybe change it and look if that works.

In the end, most PXE-related problems can only be debugged with debug level logging on the PXE / TFTP server side and also tcpdump to see what's happening on the network.
thank you changing from bios to uefi works for me
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