[SOLVED] Unable to access web interface after updating certificate


New Member
Jul 19, 2023

I am quite new to proxmox.

I tried updating the certificate through the UI and now the web UI is not loading. All services and VMs are up and running and I can access the server using SSH. Can someone please guide me to recover my setup? I have attached output for following commands.
  • pveversion -v
  • systemctl status pveproxy
  • systemctl status pvedaemon


What is the output when in one terminal you run: journalctl -f
and in the second: systemctl try-reload-or-restart pvedaemon pveproxy pvestatd pvescheduler

What is the output of : curl -sk https://localhost:8006 ?

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
Thank you very much for getting back. I managed to resolve the issue after going through this. I renamed both pveproxy-ssl.pem and pveproxy-ssl.key. After restarting the VE, I can now access the web UI.
Hello, please don't forget to mark your issue as solved so other users can use it as a reference :)