Unable to access Shell


Nov 13, 2018
Good Afternoon,

I recently followed this reference and attached a physical USB device to the host box, then tried to add it to my VM with the following command:
qm set 300 -usb1 host=XXXX:XXXX

After the command was run successfully, I stopped being able to acces the Shell or the VNC to my VM, though they still show that they are running.

The exit error when attempting to connect to the shell is:
nc6: connection timed out
TASK ERROR: command '/bin/nc6 -l -p 5901 -w 10 -e '/usr/sbin/qm vncproxy 300 2>/dev/null'' failed: exit code 1

I'm currently unable to access anything.
Please send help!
Thank you.
it seems you have an old version of proxmox, please upgrade and try again

also, adding the device while the vm runs, does not do anything, you have to stop and start the vm again