Hi everyone:
I rebooted Ubuntu by running "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" and it stopped booting.
Any help greatly appreciated.
pct start 100 --debug
lxc-start -n 100 -F -lDEBUG -o lxc-100.log
pct mount 100
pct config 100
I rebooted Ubuntu by running "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" and it stopped booting.
Any help greatly appreciated.
pct start 100 --debug
run_buffer: 321 Script exited with status 255
lxc_init: 847 Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "100"
__lxc_start: 2008 Failed to initialize container "100"
0 hostid 100000 range 65536
INFO lsm - ../src/lxc/lsm/lsm.c:lsm_init_static:38 - Initialized LSM security driver AppArmor
INFO conf - ../src/lxc/conf.c:run_script_argv:337 - Executing script "/usr/share/lxc/hooks/lxc-pve-prestart-hook" for container "100", config section "lxc"
DEBUG conf - ../src/lxc/conf.c:run_buffer:310 - Script exec /usr/share/lxc/hooks/lxc-pve-prestart-hook 100 lxc pre-start produced output: unsupported Ubuntu version '24.04'
ERROR conf - ../src/lxc/conf.c:run_buffer:321 - Script exited with status 255
ERROR start - ../src/lxc/start.c:lxc_init:847 - Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "100"
ERROR start - ../src/lxc/start.c:__lxc_start:2008 - Failed to initialize container "100"
INFO conf - ../src/lxc/conf.c:run_script_argv:337 - Executing script "/usr/share/lxcfs/lxc.reboot.hook" for container "100", config section "lxc"
startup for container '100' failed
lxc-start -n 100 -F -lDEBUG -o lxc-100.log
lxc-start: 100: ../src/lxc/conf.c: run_buffer: 321 Script exited with status 255
lxc-start: 100: ../src/lxc/start.c: lxc_init: 847 Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "100"
lxc-start: 100: ../src/lxc/start.c: __lxc_start: 2008 Failed to initialize container "100"
lxc-start: 100: ../src/lxc/tools/lxc_start.c: main: 306 The container failed to start
lxc-start: 100: ../src/lxc/tools/lxc_start.c: main: 311 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options
pct mount 100
mounted CT 100 in '/var/lib/lxc/100/rootfs'
pct config 100
arch: amd64
cores: 6
features: nesting=1
hostname: mainserver
lock: mounted
memory: 12288
mp0: data:vm-100-disk-0,mp=/home/mainserver/HDD,backup=1,size=64G
net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr1,firewall=1,hwaddr=AA:BC:C6:A9:B52,ip=,type=veth
net2: name=eth3,bridge=vmbr5,firewall=1,gw=,hwaddr=A2:03:E6:1A:75:F0,ip=,type=veth
onboot: 0
ostype: ubuntu
rootfs: local-lvm:vm-100-disk-0,size=50G
startup: order=3
swap: 4096
unprivileged: 1