Type 1 Hypervisor speed


New Member
Jan 17, 2024
So I am close to building a new desktop. And I want to build a powerful windows 10 desktop. But I also want a powerful proxmox desktop.

So if I just build the proxmox desktop. Could I just have a windows 10 virtual machine? Would it be almost as fast as a normal machine? Thanks!
Performance and direct hardware access are the opposite of enterprise virtualization. You'll have to make a compromises, like massively over-engineering (buying expensive enterprise stuff) the hardware (to prevent stuttering by using only a fraction of it) or not play multiplayer games (since anti-cheat does not like VMs). Please do some research (not limited to this forum) before spending money.
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Its also better for the electricity bill to have some power-efficient small PVE server running 24/7 next to your big DesktopPC that you only need for a couple of hours a day. That way you can power that hungy desktop PC down and you don't have to run it 24/7. And playing games won't slow down selfhosted services and vice versa.

Not sure about your planned hardware, but my Desktop PC (Ryzen 5800X, GTX1060, 7x SSD, 1x SFP+) is consuming 110W at idle without tweaks , 90W at idle maximum tweaked for power saving, up to 240W while gaming and 330W while stresstesting it. Those MiniPCs can idle at ~10W while being able to perform heavy tasks when needed. And here even some cheap 10-year-old entry-leveI server hardware will idle at 20W.
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