So im testing a two node HA cluster (in 2 virtual machines).
I followed the wiki to make the cluster and then this link, to make ha.
everything goes really well.
I use an already installed test machine, sharing a 50 gb disk via iscsi.
I login to the drive with "iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.BLAHBLAH -p IPOFiSCSISERVER -l", and do everything else until i see something like this :
The problem is that after i reboot a get an error at "Starting qdiskd ... FAILED", and i see that the disk is not connected anymore.
If i reconnect with the above mentioned command and do this again :
i see the disk back online.
So what am i missing ?
Should i do something so that the iscsi disk is automaticly connected ?
This is my cluster config:
I followed the wiki to make the cluster and then this link, to make ha.
everything goes really well.
I use an already installed test machine, sharing a 50 gb disk via iscsi.
I login to the drive with "iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.BLAHBLAH -p IPOFiSCSISERVER -l", and do everything else until i see something like this :
Cluster Status for proxmox1 @ Thu Jun 28 12:23:10 2012
Member Status: Quorate
Member Name ID Status
------ ---- ---- ------
proxmox1a 1 Online, Local, rgmanager
proxmox1b 2 Online, rgmanager
/dev/block/8:33 0 Online, Quorum Disk
The problem is that after i reboot a get an error at "Starting qdiskd ... FAILED", and i see that the disk is not connected anymore.
If i reconnect with the above mentioned command and do this again :
/etc/init.d/rgmanager stop # This will restart any VMs that are HA enabled onto the other node.
/etc/init.d/cman reload # This will activate the qdisk
i see the disk back online.
So what am i missing ?
Should i do something so that the iscsi disk is automaticly connected ?
This is my cluster config:
<?xml version="1.0"?><cluster config_version="6" name="proxmoxCluster">
<cman expected_votes="3" keyfile="/var/lib/pve-cluster/corosync.authkey"/>
<quorumd allow_kill="0" interval="3" label="proxmox1_qdisk" tko="10">
<heuristic interval="3" program="ping $GATEWAY -c1 -w1" score="1" tko="4"/>
<heuristic interval="3" program="ip addr | grep eth0 | grep -q UP" score="2" tko="3"/>
<totem token="54000"/>
<clusternode name="proxmoxNode1" nodeid="1" votes="1">
<method name="1">
<device action="reboot" name="fenceNodeA"/>
<clusternode name="proxmoxNode2" nodeid="2" votes="1">
<method name="1">
<device action="reboot" name="fenceNodeB"/>
<fencedevice agent="fence_ilo" ipaddr="xx.xx.xx.xx" login="xxcc" name="fenceNodeA" passwd="asdasd"/>
<fencedevice agent="fence_ilo" ipaddr="xx.xx.xx.xx" login="xxcc" name="fenceNodeB" passwd="asdasd"/>
<pvevm autostart="1" vmid="100"/>