I have two proxmox servers (pvelab and pvelab2). I have working zfs storage on both, but cannot share them. The storage shows up in the other server's list but grayed out.
root@pvelab:/mnt/vmz1/images/101# cat /etc/pve/storage.cfg
dir: local
path /var/lib/vz
content backup,snippets
shared 1
lvmthin: local-lvm
thinpool data
vgname pve
content images,rootdir
dir: vmz24
path /mnt/vmz24
content rootdir,backup,images
is_mountpoint yes
nodes pvelab,pvelab2
shared 1
dir: iso
path /mnt/iso
content iso,snippets,vztmpl
is_mountpoint yes
shared 1
dir: vmz1
path /mnt/vmz1
content images,rootdir,backup
is_mountpoint yes
shared 1
dir: vmz2
path /mnt/vmz2
content backup,rootdir,images
is_mountpoint yes
shared 1
dir: isoz
path /mnt/isoz
content iso,snippets,vztmpl
is_mountpoint yes
shared 1