I've read some info about permission problems with docker.
So I tried:
It helped, docker runs ok, but when trying to install elastiflow with docker-compose, I see:
Then tried to use
but it doesn't help.
Maybe I can change some apparmor settings in profiles from /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/* to fix this error?
So I tried:
features: keyctl=1,nesting=1
It helped, docker runs ok, but when trying to install elastiflow with docker-compose, I see:
ERROR: for elastiflow-elasticsearch-oss Cannot start service elastiflow-elasticsearch-oss: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:449: container init caused \"process_linux.go:378: setting rlimits for ready process caused \\\"error setting rlimit type 8: operation not permitted\\\"\"": unknown
Then tried to use
lxc.apparmor.profile: unconfined
Maybe I can change some apparmor settings in profiles from /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/* to fix this error?