Hello there!
I'm trying to backing up my VMs, containers (linked for some) and templates from my current server which is going to be replaced by a better one.
I had problem before trying to create a cluster and add a node (because of the hostname that are the same on the two machines) and found pve-zsync is an elegant solution for this (as well for redundant backup solution).
The problem I face is:
root@noxen:~# pve-zsync sync --source 100 --dest xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:rpool --verbose
full send of rpool/basevol-100-disk-1@rep_default_2018-12-07_14:56:41 estimated size is 1.11G
total estimated size is 1.11G
zfs send -v -- rpool/basevol-100-disk-1@rep_default_2018-12-07_14:56:41 | ssh -o 'BatchMode=yes' root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -- zfs recv -F -- rpool/basevol-100-disk-1
Host key verification failed.
Browsing few posts on forums, anything I tried was with no luck. Things I tried are:
- pvecm updatecerts and restart pveproxy service on both servers
- ssh -o 'HostKeyAlias=<Target node Name>' root@<Target node IP> on both servers
- delete /root/.ssh/know_hosts on both server
Nothing worked, still stuck with same error.
Can you help me to sort this out ?
Thanks anyway.
I'm trying to backing up my VMs, containers (linked for some) and templates from my current server which is going to be replaced by a better one.
I had problem before trying to create a cluster and add a node (because of the hostname that are the same on the two machines) and found pve-zsync is an elegant solution for this (as well for redundant backup solution).
The problem I face is:
root@noxen:~# pve-zsync sync --source 100 --dest xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:rpool --verbose
full send of rpool/basevol-100-disk-1@rep_default_2018-12-07_14:56:41 estimated size is 1.11G
total estimated size is 1.11G
zfs send -v -- rpool/basevol-100-disk-1@rep_default_2018-12-07_14:56:41 | ssh -o 'BatchMode=yes' root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -- zfs recv -F -- rpool/basevol-100-disk-1
Host key verification failed.
Browsing few posts on forums, anything I tried was with no luck. Things I tried are:
- pvecm updatecerts and restart pveproxy service on both servers
- ssh -o 'HostKeyAlias=<Target node Name>' root@<Target node IP> on both servers
- delete /root/.ssh/know_hosts on both server
Nothing worked, still stuck with same error.
Can you help me to sort this out ?
Thanks anyway.