Trouble adding custom header X-Spam-Flag:


New Member
Jul 21, 2009

I am evaluating Proxmox Mail Gateway and need to be able to add a custom header to all emails before I can use it and purchase a subscription.
I am trying to customize the SPAM headers and not having any luck.
I have searched the forums and tried what I found but I can not get it to work.

I need to have the header X-Spam-Flag: added to all emails.
ie X-Spam-Flag: Yes or X-Spam-Flag: No

I have tried modifying the modify header under Mail Filter->Action Objects
I have also tried adding custom lines to Spamassassin file:
add_header all Flag _YESNOCAPS_
add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE__ required=_REQD_ tests=_TESTS_ autolearn=_AUTOLEARN_ version=_VERSION_
add_header all Level _STARS(*)_
add_header all Checker-Version SpamAssassin _VERSION_ (_SUBVERSION_) on _HOSTNAME_

Any help would be appreciated.
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I need to have the header X-Spam-Flag: added to all emails.
ie X-Spam-Flag: Yes or X-Spam-Flag: No
You could try the following:
* Create a new Action Object which adds/modifies the header:
* GUI -> Mail Filter -> Action Objects -> Add -> Header Attribute
* use :'X-Spam-Flag' as Field and 'Yes' as Value
* Create a new rule in the Mail Filter
* Select a What Object with 'Spam (Level X)' (where X is the level (SpamAssassin score) from which on you want to add that header (e.g. Spam (Level 5) would add the header to all mails with a score > 5.0))
* Select the created new Action Object as Action.
* Select the appropriate other action (probably Accept) as second action.

This is the first part (adding X-Spam-Info: yes to all spam mails)
The second part (adding X-Spam-Info: no to all other mails) can be done by adding another Action Object (same field, but No as value) and creating a rule without What Object and the new Action, and placing it at a lower priority

I hope this helps!
Enjoying the topic.

I want to create an action to add "-2" to the domains I trust.

The idea is before accepting / blocking that he assigns a score of -2 to certain domains listed in a "Who Objects" list I created.

And only after he passes the scan and virus, spam ...

I did it that way, but it's not working.

Value: -2

What is the correct way to put in Field and Value?
Enjoying the topic.

I want to create an action to add "-2" to the domains I trust.

The idea is before accepting / blocking that he assigns a score of -2 to certain domains listed in a "Who Objects" list I created.

And only after he passes the scan and virus, spam ...

I did it that way, but it's not working.

What is the correct way to put in Field and Value?

Use spamassassin custom rules.
I have seen and read these sites.

But I want to do this directly from the GUI, I don't want to manually configure via shell ...

I tried X-SPAM-SCORE, X-SPAM-LEVEL, but it doesn't seem to read ....
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But being possible to change the header of the message when it arrives. Couldn't he also change the Score?
You can try create a spam filter rules with a what object (change header attribute) and who object (domains name/list).
Test it out yourself.
If you require the new function in PMG, you can request the function/enhancement in the proxmox bugzilla.
Thanks for the answer, but that's exactly what I'm trying to, but PMG can't identify the header to give a negative score, or I'm using the wrong string.