Too little storage shown on my HDD

Oct 14, 2018

I've setup Proxmox yesterday and created the first VM's. My problem now is, that my total storage only contains 88.11 GB even though I have a 4TB harddrive attached. lsblk too shows sda and sdb (I have a 110 GB SSD too) so there is defenitly another harddrive detected.

I am grateful for every help,

Maxi o/

I guess the root partition for the OS only contains 88GB and the rest of the 4TB are available in the local-lvm for guests.
Please check "lvs" then you see what I mean.

I guess the root partition for the OS only contains 88GB and the rest of the 4TB are available in the local-lvm for guests.
Please check "lvs" then you see what I mean.

When I select the storage "local-lvm" it also shows me under summary that the total available space is arround 60GB. Any idea why it doesn't show up as 4TB?

Thats the result of lvs:

root@pve:~# lvs
  LV   VG  Attr       LSize  Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  data pve twi-a-tz-- 60.92g             0.00   0.03
  root pve -wi-ao---- 27.75g
  swap pve -wi-ao----  7.00g

And thats the result of lsblk:

sda                  8:0    0   3.7T  0 disk
├─sda1               8:1    0     1M  0 part
├─sda2               8:2    0   256M  0 part
└─sda3               8:3    0   3.7T  0 part
sdb                  8:16   0 111.8G  0 disk
├─sdb1               8:17   0     1M  0 part
├─sdb2               8:18   0   256M  0 part
└─sdb3               8:19   0 111.6G  0 part
  ├─pve-swap       253:0    0     7G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
  ├─pve-root       253:1    0  27.8G  0 lvm  /
  ├─pve-data_tmeta 253:2    0     1G  0 lvm
  │ └─pve-data     253:4    0  60.9G  0 lvm
  └─pve-data_tdata 253:3    0  60.9G  0 lvm
    └─pve-data     253:4    0  60.9G  0 lvm
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You have installed the OS on a small 111GB Disk.
Or if you have only one disk you have maybe a raid controller what splits the disk into two LUNs?
The OS sees two disks and you use only the small one.
You have installed the OS on a small 111GB Disk.
Or if you have only one disk you have maybe a raid controller what splits the disk into two LUNs?
The OS sees two disks and you use only the small one.

I have a small ssd for the os right, so I didn't split my hdd.
So, when the os sees my big disk, how can I select it to store backups, vm's etc.?
I tried my adding a directory under storage but that didn't seem to work somehow
As lsblk shows your first disk has already partitions on it.
You have now two options.
First, delete the whole disk if you do not need the content on it and make over the GUI a new storage.
Second, mount /dev/sda3 and add it in the storage configuration.
As lsblk shows your first disk has already partitions on it.
You have now two options.
First, delete the whole disk if you do not need the content on it and make over the GUI a new storage.
Second, mount /dev/sda3 and add it in the storage configuration.
Okay thanks for the help so far, I will try to format it and add it in again. I will inform you if it works out :)