Tons of container problems


New Member
Apr 15, 2019
So I have been playing around with proxmox except there appears to be lots of problems with the containers. Sometimes they just go to sleep and even though they are running I cannot get back into the shell. Today I went to make a new alpine container and no matter what I put for the password I cannot login.

Then I tried making a debian container and every time I go to it I just see the cursor and no login window appears. I have tried rebooting the machine, the containers, updating, and rebuilding them and it never works.

This might also be related to the fact I had previous containers using the same ID number. It seems proxmox doesn't delete everything about the ID when you hit delete and this might be causing some of the problems. The logs for this container go back to the first thing that used that ID.

UPDATE: I have now tried new IDs and I am still having the same problem.
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as your description of the problem is very vague, nobody is able to help you.

Generall can I say that may users use Containers without problems.
Containers have some limits, but this is more or less edge cases.
I am not sure what more details I can give! It all worked fine for like a day or two after I installed proxmox. Then a few days later only the preexisting container works. I cannot make any new one without some problem. The only thing I have done imbetween is follow the PCIE pass through guide and enable IOMMU.

I am no longer having the problem where I cannot see the cursor with debian containers. Now it just seems like the password is not being set correctly because I cannot login to any containers except the preexisting ones.
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Turns out lastpass was causing the problems as discussed by many others here. Must not of happened originally because it didn't save whatever. It is kinda strange. All works now.
I am still having intermittent problems where all I see is a cursor :/ requires me to reboot the whole system.