Timed-out waiting for cluster


Renowned Member
Oct 15, 2008
I'm trying to create a 4 nodes cluster with Proxmox 3.4.
I successfully created the new cluster on node1 with "pvecm create", but I cannot add the additional nodes to it:

root@node2:~# /etc/init.d/pve-cluster startStarting pve cluster filesystem : pve-cluster.
root@node2:~# pvecm add
node node2 already defined
copy corosync auth key
stopping pve-cluster service
Stopping pve cluster filesystem: pve-cluster.
backup old database
Starting pve cluster filesystem : pve-cluster.
Starting cluster: 
   Checking if cluster has been disabled at boot... [  OK  ]
   Checking Network Manager... [  OK  ]
   Global setup... [  OK  ]
   Loading kernel modules... [  OK  ]
   Mounting configfs... [  OK  ]
   Starting cman... [  OK  ]
   Waiting for quorum... Timed-out waiting for cluster
waiting for quorum...

All nodes are connected together with a "3com baseline switch 2916-sfp plus" smart-managed switch.

All nodes has all entries in /etc/hosts and can ping theirselves:

root@node1:~# cat /etc/hosts    localhost    node1.mydomain    node1    pvelocalhost    node2.mydomain    node2    node3.mydomain    node3    node4.mydomain    node4

Could you help me please?
Thank you very much!
Ok, it seems I'm having some multicast problems:

root@node2:~# asmping
asmping joined (S,G) = (*,
pinging from
  unicast from, seq=1 dist=0 time=0.214 ms
  unicast from, seq=2 dist=0 time=0.184 ms
  unicast from, seq=3 dist=0 time=0.180 ms
  unicast from, seq=4 dist=0 time=0.168 ms
  unicast from, seq=5 dist=0 time=0.177 ms
  unicast from, seq=6 dist=0 time=0.185 ms
  unicast from, seq=7 dist=0 time=0.177 ms
  unicast from, seq=8 dist=0 time=0.179 ms
  unicast from, seq=9 dist=0 time=0.173 ms
  unicast from, seq=10 dist=0 time=0.186 ms
  unicast from, seq=11 dist=0 time=0.145 ms
  unicast from, seq=12 dist=0 time=0.171 ms
  unicast from, seq=13 dist=0 time=0.175 ms
  unicast from, seq=14 dist=0 time=0.148 ms
  unicast from, seq=15 dist=0 time=0.176 ms
  unicast from, seq=16 dist=0 time=0.175 ms
  unicast from, seq=17 dist=0 time=0.174 ms
  unicast from, seq=18 dist=0 time=0.177 ms
  unicast from, seq=19 dist=0 time=0.176 ms
  unicast from, seq=20 dist=0 time=0.174 ms
  unicast from, seq=21 dist=0 time=0.181 ms
  unicast from, seq=22 dist=0 time=0.170 ms
  unicast from, seq=23 dist=0 time=0.175 ms
  unicast from, seq=24 dist=0 time=0.177 ms
--- statistics ---
24 packets transmitted, time 23488 ms
   24 packets received, 0% packet loss
   rtt min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.145/0.175/0.214/0.020 ms
   0 packets received, 100% packet loss
I checked the switch datasheet to ensure it supports multicast and it seems to support it.
Do you have any other idea?
I've already checked that and IGMP Snooping Status is enabled and it's enabled in the VLAN I use for the cluster (VLAN10).
I also tried to recreate the cluster from scratch but I still cannot receive the quorum.
Could you help me?
I enabled that, and now I managed in adding all nodes in the cluster:

root@node3:~# pvecm nodes
Node  Sts   Inc   Joined               Name
   1   M    788   2015-03-14 11:51:34  node2
   2   M    788   2015-03-14 11:51:34  node1
   3   M    784   2015-03-14 11:51:34  node3
   4   M    792   2015-03-14 11:52:06  node4

But I'm still having some problems from some nodes: from node3, for example, I cannot use the cluster because of some "Broken pipe (596)" and "Error: cluster not ready - no quorum?" errors, but from node4 all seems to work good.
Now my cluster is completely dead:

root@node1:~# pvecm nodes
Node  Sts   Inc   Joined               Name
   1   X    752                        node2
   2   M    436   2015-03-14 11:51:03  node1
   3   X    788                        node3
   4   X    792                        node4

root@node2:~# pvecm nodes
Node  Sts   Inc   Joined               Name
   1   M    748   2015-03-14 11:50:38  node2
   2   X    752                        node1
   3   X    788                        node3
   4   X    792                        node4

root@node3:~# pvecm nodes
Node  Sts   Inc   Joined               Name
   1   X      0                        node2
   2   X      0                        node1
   3   M    932   2015-03-14 12:03:40  node3
   4   X      0                        node4

root@node4:~# pvecm nodes
Node  Sts   Inc   Joined               Name
   1   X      0                        node2
   2   X      0                        node1
   3   X      0                        node3
   4   M    940   2015-03-14 12:05:28  node4

After adding the option you need to reboot all nodes.

When trying I added the option directly from the command line:

echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/net/vmbr0/bridge/multicast_querier

And it was activated:

root@node4:~# cat /sys/devices/virtual/net/vmbr0/bridge/multicast_querier


Although I rebooted all nodes (after adding the post-up options in the interfaces file) and the situation is what I wroted in my post #11.
Reading manual about your switch reveals that this particular switch does not include IGMP querier which is the cause that you need to enable the querier on the Linux Bridge.
Does the multicast test succeed? (omping, ssmping)

My multicast address is

root@node1:~# pvecm status|grep "Multicast addresses"
Multicast addresses:

My nodes are node1, node2, node3, node4, all in /etc/hosts on every node on network which is vmbr0 bridged to bond0.10.

Multicast test:

root@node1:~# omping -m node1 node2 node3 node4
node2 : waiting for response msg
node3 : waiting for response msg
node4 : waiting for response msg
node3 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node2 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node4 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node3 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.084ms
node3 : multicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.106ms
node4 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.099ms
node4 : multicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.108ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.116ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.183ms
node4 : multicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.184ms
node4 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.178ms
node3 : multicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.213ms
node3 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.201ms
node3 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.167ms
node3 : multicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.180ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.192ms
node4 : multicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.182ms
node4 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.179ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.191ms
node3 :   unicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.181ms
node3 : multicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.186ms
node4 : waiting for response msg
node2 :   unicast, seq=5, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.185ms
node4 : server told us to stop
node3 : waiting for response msg
node3 : server told us to stop
node2 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 5/5/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.116/0.173/0.192/0.032
node2 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 5/0/100%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.000/0.000/0.000/0.000
node3 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.084/0.158/0.201/0.051
node3 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.106/0.171/0.213/0.046
node4 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 3/3/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.099/0.152/0.179/0.046
node4 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 3/3/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.108/0.158/0.184/0.043

root@node2:~# omping -m node1 node2 node3 node4
node1 : waiting for response msg
node3 : waiting for response msg
node4 : waiting for response msg
node3 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node4 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node3 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.096ms
node4 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.090ms
node4 : multicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.099ms
node3 : multicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.118ms
node3 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.193ms
node3 : multicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.201ms
node4 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.177ms
node4 : multicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.185ms
node1 : waiting for response msg
node1 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node3 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.180ms
node3 : multicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.187ms
node4 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.180ms
node4 : multicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.188ms
node1 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.099ms
node1 : multicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.126ms
node1 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.184ms
node1 : multicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.206ms
node3 :   unicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.177ms
node3 : multicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.193ms
node4 :   unicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.193ms
node4 : multicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.196ms
node1 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.191ms
node1 : multicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.208ms
node3 : multicast, seq=5, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.195ms
node3 :   unicast, seq=5, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.192ms
node4 : waiting for response msg
node1 :   unicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.207ms
node1 : multicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.234ms
node4 : server told us to stop
node3 : multicast, seq=6, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.210ms
node3 :   unicast, seq=6, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.208ms
node1 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.099/0.170/0.207/0.048
node1 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.126/0.194/0.234/0.047
node3 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 6/6/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.096/0.174/0.208/0.040
node3 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 6/6/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.118/0.184/0.210/0.033
node4 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.090/0.160/0.193/0.047
node4 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.099/0.167/0.196/0.046

root@node3:~# omping -m node1 node2 node3 node4
node1 : waiting for response msg
node2 : waiting for response msg
node4 : waiting for response msg
node4 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node4 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.086ms
node4 : multicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.095ms
node4 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.176ms
node4 : multicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.184ms
node1 : waiting for response msg
node2 : waiting for response msg
node1 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node2 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node4 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.185ms
node4 : multicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.194ms
node1 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.080ms
node1 : multicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.088ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.106ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.173ms
node1 : multicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.215ms
node1 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.210ms
node4 : multicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.197ms
node4 :   unicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.193ms
node1 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.199ms
node1 : multicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.218ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.191ms
node4 : waiting for response msg
node1 :   unicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.188ms
node1 : multicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.203ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=4, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.191ms
node4 : server told us to stop
node1 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.080/0.169/0.210/0.060
node1 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.088/0.181/0.218/0.062
node2 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.106/0.165/0.191/0.040
node2 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/0/100%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.000/0.000/0.000/0.000
node4 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.086/0.160/0.193/0.050
node4 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 4/4/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.095/0.168/0.197/0.049

root@node4:~# omping -m node1 node2 node3 node4
node1 : waiting for response msg
node2 : waiting for response msg
node3 : waiting for response msg
node1 : waiting for response msg
node2 : waiting for response msg
node3 : waiting for response msg
node2 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node3 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node2 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.097ms
node3 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.099ms
node3 : multicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.104ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.196ms
node3 : multicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.200ms
node3 :   unicast, seq=2, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.198ms
node1 : waiting for response msg
node1 : joined (S,G) = (*,, pinging
node3 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.181ms
node3 : multicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.185ms
node2 :   unicast, seq=3, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.196ms
node1 :   unicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.092ms
node1 : multicast, seq=1, size=69 bytes, dist=0, time=0.098ms
node1 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 1/1/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.092/0.092/0.092/0.000
node1 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 1/1/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.098/0.098/0.098/0.000
node2 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 3/3/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.097/0.163/0.196/0.057
node2 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 3/0/100%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.000/0.000/0.000/0.000
node3 :   unicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 3/3/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.099/0.159/0.198/0.053
node3 : multicast, xmt/rcv/%loss = 3/3/0%, min/avg/max/std-dev = 0.104/0.163/0.200/0.052
Your problem node is node 2. You could try to remove node 2 from the cluster and see if quorum gets established. If it does I would reinstall node 2 and add it to the cluster once again.
Your problem node is node 2. You could try to remove node 2 from the cluster and see if quorum gets established. If it does I would reinstall node 2 and add it to the cluster once again.

I cannot remove the node 2 from the cluster because the whole cluster does not have any quorum:

root@node1:~# pvecm delnode node2
cluster not ready - no quorum?

I cannot realize why multicast seems to work but PVE cluster not.

Now I try to reinitialise the whole cluster and recreate it from scratch.
Ok, I reinitialised the whole cluster, recreate a new cluster, added other three nodes to the new cluster and now it seems to work:

root@node1:~# pvecm nodes
Node  Sts   Inc   Joined               Name
   1   M   1100   2015-03-16 09:18:01  node1
   2   M  48772   2015-03-16 09:18:49  node2
   3   M  48776   2015-03-16 09:19:17  node3
   4   M  48780   2015-03-16 09:19:44  node4

Now let's wait to see if this is definitive.
Ok, now the cluster is dead another time:

root@node1:~# pvecm nodes
Node  Sts   Inc   Joined               Name
   1   M   1100   2015-03-16 09:18:01  node1
   2   X  48772                        node2
   3   X  48776                        node3
   4   X  48780                        node4

I cannot realize...