Good day. Please fix the bug in the virus quarantine. The time of receipt of the letter is displayed incorrectly. Namely - minutes. The hours and seconds are correct.
I started to figure this out and in the file
/usr/share/javascript/pmg-gui/js/pmgmanagerlib.js in line №10052 I found the reason for displaying the wrong time. It says h: m: s which turns out HOUR: MONTH: SECOND
When I changed m to i everything began to show correctly. I checked for this bug on previous versions. It is present in 5.x and beyond.
I started to figure this out and in the file
/usr/share/javascript/pmg-gui/js/pmgmanagerlib.js in line №10052 I found the reason for displaying the wrong time. It says h: m: s which turns out HOUR: MONTH: SECOND
When I changed m to i everything began to show correctly. I checked for this bug on previous versions. It is present in 5.x and beyond.