Hello, I'm using pve on a couple of my own servers, but I'm about to put pve into production at work. There are a couple of things that I would liked to be different.
1) If you have a cluster with shared storage, it should be possible to start a "missing" guest on another host if one of the hosts go down.
2) It would help allot to be able to add a vlan(and a bridge) without having to restart a host (yes I know it can be done manually, but it that's not a nice way to do it). I can understand that removing a vlan can be a bit more tricky.
3) For our deployment of hosts we use FAI, and the installation is done in an isolated vlan. One nice thing would be to be able to change (againg via the gui) which vmbr/vlan a nic on a virtual server is connected to.
4) The last thing I would like to see, is the ability to allocate a logical volume to a OpenVZ guest. As far as I can understand, this isn't a pve restriction, rather a OpenVZ problem.
I know this isn't something that's easy to do, nor do I expect it to be done. This is just my thoughts
1) If you have a cluster with shared storage, it should be possible to start a "missing" guest on another host if one of the hosts go down.
2) It would help allot to be able to add a vlan(and a bridge) without having to restart a host (yes I know it can be done manually, but it that's not a nice way to do it). I can understand that removing a vlan can be a bit more tricky.
3) For our deployment of hosts we use FAI, and the installation is done in an isolated vlan. One nice thing would be to be able to change (againg via the gui) which vmbr/vlan a nic on a virtual server is connected to.
4) The last thing I would like to see, is the ability to allocate a logical volume to a OpenVZ guest. As far as I can understand, this isn't a pve restriction, rather a OpenVZ problem.
I know this isn't something that's easy to do, nor do I expect it to be done. This is just my thoughts