The VM Name - Was there a change with the allowed characters?


New Member
Oct 5, 2024
Was there a change in 8.2 with the allowed characters for the VM descriptive name? I can't use dashes/hyphens now?..

The format of my vm names as a followed: purpose-3rdNetworkOctet-4thNetworkOctet--Year-Month
  • Purpose
    • wiki, graylog, etc...
  • 3rdNetworkOctet-4thNetworkOctet
    • help to enforce i know that the IP is in use..
  • Year-Month
    • Basically give an idea of how old the VM/OS is...
  • example
    • wiki-138-10--2024-10
  • Virtual Machines Settings
    • General (settings) tab
      • Name: a free form text string you can use to describe the VM

When filling this out I don't use "spaces, periods, or underscores" characters but I do use the "dash/hyphen" characters. I am trying to build a VM at the moment but it does not like if i use a "-" in it anymore. This is with 8.2.7.

I did built a vm about 3 weeks ago and i definitely used "-" in the name when building it. I have updated Proxmox VE since that build. I have been looking through the 8.2 roadmap page -

The so far i have not found/noticed a mentioning of a change, when building the vm's, in the descriptive name field. I have come across mentions of hostnames and a few others but they didn't seem related to this "descriptive" name...

I did fine these mentions..
  • Allow the use of the `-` character in snapshot names, as the backend has supported this for some time.

  • When restoring from backups via the web interface, the VM/CT name is now validated client-side before sending an API request. This helps catching invalid names early.

"This helps catching invalid names early." - This might be the culprit but then why state "Name: a free form text string you can use to describe the VM"

Thanks for any time looking at or replying to this...
works for me with 8.2.7. Maybe you have a space in the beginning or the end? You can check the validation algorithm by trying to create a new VM and the name will get live checked and in my test, it works as it should:

That is interesting...

For me when I click the "Create VM" and... Click and start typing in the name field...
  • graylog
    • the "next" button is still available
  • graylog-
    • when the dash/hyphen is inputted the "next" button goes grayed out
I have tried doing this in Firefox and Chrome.

... Yep....

It is working... I don't have a good response other then brain fog... I think i have might have been like wtf, why is it graying out...

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