[Termproxy] failed to open socket


New Member
May 30, 2020
Hey everyone,

we are currently troubleshooting a error with our shell. We don't know the exact point where this error occured.
Since about two weeks we can't access out shell via the web gui (pve).

We get the following error:


While watching the logs we found this:

There should be no problem with Proxmox itself, because it's only connecting via a websocket to the xterm.js.
We have absolutly no idea how to solve this problem. We checked several things.
Port 5900 isn't blocked by any other application. There is no block in a firewall.
We are running Proxmox on version 6-2-4 (latest OVH template).

It seems like termproxy isn't able to start in all cases. We removed some arguments because they are "invalid".
Even with running only "termproxy 5900" we'll get this error.

Would be great if someone could probably help us.

Thanks :)
Fixed it ourself. Because there are several threads open from the past without any solution... here is ours:

Someone edited the /etc/hosts for some fancy hostnames and deleted localhost. localhost

What was the problem? Termproxy is binding the port '5900' to localhost. With no localhost available we got this error.
Change the /etc/hosts file and add the localhost like shown above. Restart your system and you should be fine :)


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