TASK ERROR: start failed: org.freedesktop.systemd1.NoSuchUnit: Unit 103.scope not found


New Member
Aug 7, 2023
Hello everyone,

I allow myself to post my problem here because I did not see it on the forum.

A few days ago when I tried to launch my VMs, they were not launching and I have an error message which is “TASK ERROR: start failed: org.freedesktop.systemd1.NoSuchUnit: Unit 103.scope not found”.

I have no idea what it can be, if someone has an idea I’m interested!

Thank you very much.
please post the output of pveversion -v and qm config 103 --current. Is there anything else in the system logs or in the VM/CT 103 - Start task log (double click it in the UI)?

Voici la version pve-manager/6.2-4/9824574a (noyau en cours d'exécution : 5.4.34-1-pve)

Voici ce qu'il y a dans qm config 103 :

root@pve:~# qm config 103 --current
disquette de démarrage : ide0
noyaux : 2
ide0 : local-lvm:vm-103-disk-0,size=32G
ide2 : local:iso/17763.737.190906-2324.rs5_release_svc_refresh_SERVERESSENTIALS_OEM_x64EN_en_1.iso,media=cdrom
mémoire : 2048
Nom : RVSP
net0 : e1000=AA:A4:BB:EF:0D:6B,pont=vmbr0,pare-feu=1
nombre : 0
au démarrage : 1
ostype: win10
parent : Snap_VPN
scsihw : virtio-scsi-pci
smbios1 : uuid=3b5ffce3-948f-4c70-a1e7-b20fda9494dc
pris : 1
démarrer : commande = 1, haut = 60
vmgenid : 42ed8aa7-ab8c-4f31-9791-ab10faccc08d

Aucun autre message n'est présent dans le journal des tâches.
