I have tested a sync from our local server to our external server (both running PBS 1.0-8) using "user1@pbs" (the sync destination). This worked as expected.
As I now started to use this more regularly, I have "beautified" user names to "user-vm03@pbs", but the sync started to fail afterwards:
It works again when I create the user "user1" on the sync server. Doesn't even have to assign any permissions to that user.
I only find this old stuff on the sync server:
How can I fix this?
I have tested a sync from our local server to our external server (both running PBS 1.0-8) using "user1@pbs" (the sync destination). This worked as expected.
As I now started to use this more regularly, I have "beautified" user names to "user-vm03@pbs", but the sync started to fail afterwards:
ProxmoxBackup Server 1.0-8
2021-03-07T23:30:00+01:00: Starting datastore sync job 'our.hostname:vm03:sync_datastore:s-2db4540b-6fb2'
2021-03-07T23:30:00+01:00: task triggered by schedule '23:30'
2021-03-07T23:30:00+01:00: Sync datastore 'sync_datastore' from 'our.hostname/vm03'
2021-03-07T23:30:00+01:00: found 1 groups to sync
2021-03-07T23:30:00+01:00: sync group vm/107 failed - owner check failed (user-vm03@pbs != user1@pbs)
2021-03-07T23:30:00+01:00: TASK ERROR: sync failed with some errors.
It works again when I create the user "user1" on the sync server. Doesn't even have to assign any permissions to that user.
I only find this old stuff on the sync server:
titan:~# grep -R user1 /etc/proxmox-backup
/etc/proxmox-backup/shadow.json: "user1": "$5$46F2gwvrnVo$CHvuaP9pZgkL2mGVkwbRDVuTb3f9pPVJcGs/c2emoq."
How can I fix this?