Switch from KVM EXT 4 with HDD to ProxMox ZFS SSD

I got several servers but will start to move only one to proxmox to see if it fits my workload. As i read, i also cannot use the cluster functionality for all machines, as they are not within the same ip-range but in totally different ones. (Otherwise it would have made sense to convert every host to proxmox immediatly)


Maybe you can see this link:

I'd have to guess the compression ratio of gzip on those images. Just try it. https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Proxmox_VE_inside_VirtualBox
I found that article before and did it exactly like this - but i can not gain access to the webpanel. No connection. Also there is no way to try around and manually configure the network in the box, as i can not use vi or vim correctly (or any other editor i know of) - it will not work with VirtualBox, no idea why. Searching for alternatives right now.

Yeah, this seems a bit overcomplicated, as i do not specifically need a cluster of ProxMox. I would not like to configure it like this.
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Yes, i did, but to no avail. The guest has internet, though. With and without NAT as second adapter.
I managed to install ProxMox, it works pretty well - like a charm, VMs are converted. Unfortunatley, Networking does not work - i opened a new thread for this.
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