Suricata IPS integration

Maher Khalil

Jul 11, 2021
I would like to use Suricata IPS integration
My question is do I need to activate proxmox firewall on the data-center level or only on the VMs level?
You always need to enable the PVE firewall on the datacenter level. If the datacenter level firewall is disabled all node/guest firewall rules won't be active.
I am afraid to activate datacenter firewall then I get blocked
so any advice what rule to add in datacenter level then accept everything?
What I want to do is to block some IPs at datacenter lever, so I will make input policy at firewall datacenter, node and each VM level accept, I will not create any other rule then The I will create rule at datacenter level for each IP i want to block
my goal not to stop any traffic for VMs
I will also install Suricata for intrusion
any advice for my installation?
I have also fail2ban. should I stop it before Suricata install (I expect Suricata is enough)