Subscription License Question


Active Member
Jul 29, 2018
I run a Lab environment in my basement with 6 servers. All running Proxmox/Ceph. This is mostly for fun.

I would like to get a subscription for the environment, but cant really afford to get 6 copys of the license. I dont really need any support, I have been able handle every problem myself, but would like access to the "stable" enterprise Repo.

Is it possible to get a single license, or a "lab" license that I can use for the entire cluster?

Whats the big difference between the enterprise repo and public/free one? Is it even worth getting a subscription, if I dont need support.
From what I understand the difference between the Free repo and the Enterprise repo is that the Enterprise repo has older but more stable and tested with a focus on security rather than on features, while the Free repo has more cutting edge packages with newer, less tested features. If you come from the Windows world, the Enterprise repo would be equivalent to the LTSC versions of Windows which are more conservative with Updates and focus on security rather than on new features.
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Gotcha, so for a LAB environment its probably the opposite of what I would want.

Thanks for help