Hi all,
I have a lot of domains in the filter which works great. But I have a strange issue with some domains.
In some domains, I have a lot of bounces, based on SPF issues (not allowed to sent). And on others, I do not have those issues, although the SPF is the same, and it is the same sender.
For example:
domainA receives an email sent by Wetransfer.
domainB receives same email from Wetransfer
DomainA gets bounced with the message:
DomainB receives the mail without issues.
Any idea?
I have a lot of domains in the filter which works great. But I have a strange issue with some domains.
In some domains, I have a lot of bounces, based on SPF issues (not allowed to sent). And on others, I do not have those issues, although the SPF is the same, and it is the same sender.
For example:
domainA receives an email sent by Wetransfer.
domainB receives same email from Wetransfer
DomainA gets bounced with the message:
status=bounced (host mail.domainname.nl[178.19.xxx.xxx] said: 550-SPF: 178.19.xxx.xxx is not allowed to send mail from wetransfer.com: 550 Please see http://www.open-spf.org/Why : Reason: mechanism (in reply to RCPT TO command))
DomainB receives the mail without issues.
Any idea?