[SOLVED] Strange SPF issues


Active Member
Jul 10, 2020
Hi all,

I have a lot of domains in the filter which works great. But I have a strange issue with some domains.

In some domains, I have a lot of bounces, based on SPF issues (not allowed to sent). And on others, I do not have those issues, although the SPF is the same, and it is the same sender.

For example:

domainA receives an email sent by Wetransfer.
domainB receives same email from Wetransfer

DomainA gets bounced with the message:

status=bounced (host mail.domainname.nl[178.19.xxx.xxx] said: 550-SPF: 178.19.xxx.xxx is not allowed to send mail from wetransfer.com: 550 Please see http://www.open-spf.org/Why : Reason: mechanism (in reply to RCPT TO command))

DomainB receives the mail without issues.

Any idea?
In some domains, I have a lot of bounces, based on SPF issues (not allowed to sent). And on others, I do not have those issues, although the SPF is the same, and it is the same sender.
are those domains relay-domain (i.e. domains for which PMG receives mails and sends it on to a downstream server)? - if yes check the downstream server's configuration

if no please provide some more logs and details
Thanks, @Stoiko Ivanov

Yes, all domains are added as relay domains. MX points to PMG filters the email, and then sends it to the right server.
All domains are the same. So what can I check on the receiving server then? As the SPF is ok there.
said: 550-SPF: 178.19.xxx.xxx is not allowed to send mail from wetransfer.com: 550 Please see http://www.open-spf.org/Why : Reason: mechanism
I think that this message is one PMG gets from one of the downstream server -> you need to add PMG's IP as trusted relay to this server

I hope this helps!
@Stoiko Ivanov : What I needed to do is to disable checks on these domains on the web hosting server. So they do not get checked.
The strange part is, on all other servers (out of our management) these problems did not occur.

For now, all seems to be good and is it filtering away perfectly. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.