Stopped moving VM disk operation, now 2nd disk shown in overview, cannot delete


New Member
May 31, 2022
I was attempting to move a VM disk from 1 storage to another, but noticed there wouldn't be enough space. So I stopped the operation while it was happening.

I cleaned up a bit, moved some other VM disks and then did the the operation again, it ran fine.

This was "disk-1" of this VM, and I was expecting this to result in another "disk-1". But it resulted in "disk-2".

Now when I'm looking at all VM disks on this storage, I'm noticing a "disk-1" and "disk-2" for this VM that are identical, and the size of the disk I moved.

I'm assuming this "disk-1" is the first copy attempt that I stopped. "disk-2" is the one showing up in the VM hardware pane, so I assume that's the one being used.

When I try to delete the "disk-1", it says it cannot, because there's a VM with that ID. But in the hardware pane for that VM, it's not showing up.

What do I do here?
you can use qm rescan --vmid <ID> to make it show up as an unused disk and remove it afterwards. You can also check the task log for the failed operation to make sure, it should mention which disk it created.