Statistics Incoming Mails - Bounces and Junk/Spam Mails

Dec 28, 2021

on the Statistics page/Incoming Mails I see some bounces (see screenshot).
But in the Tracking Center no bounced mails are shown.
Are those bounces from my mail server and where can I view those bounces?

And what is the difference between Junk and Spam Mails in the screenshot?
Sometimes they are equal, but not all the time.

Thanks and best regards.


  • 2021_12_28_10_22_34_Proxmox_Mail_Gateway.jpg
    251 KB · Views: 19
on the Statistics page/Incoming Mails I see some bounces (see screenshot).
But in the Tracking Center no bounced mails are shown.
in the tracking center you need to select the 'Include Empty Senders' checkbox - did you do that?

And what is the difference between Junk and Spam Mails in the screenshot?
Spam Mails are all mails that got a SpamAssassin score of 3 or above (the 3 is hardcoded)
Junk Mails = Spam Mails + Virus Mails + Greylisted Mails (which did not get delivered later on) + rbl reject (postscreen rbl reject) + pregreet rejects (also done by postscreen)

I hope this helps!