Starting/stopping backup server automatically


New Member
Jan 2, 2024
I'm setting up a backup server for my homelab. My virtual environment is on 24/7, but it is a low-power server and draws only 15W. My backup server is an ancient Xeon server and draws 200+W.

My electricity is expensive and I don't want to run the backup server 24/7.

I'm happy to work out how to set it all up myself, but before I do, has this or something like it been documented already?

1. backup server automatically turns on and boots on a schedule (this is a feature of the bios)
2. after booting, a backup is started
3. after backup is complete, backup server is shutdown

the best way would probably to create a script that runs every X minutes and checks if all the tasks are finished.
You could execute something like `proxmox-backup-manager task list --all --limit 1` which gets the last executed (or still running) task, then check if the last endtime is more than ~10 min ago or something like that.

Edit: maybe add `--output-format json` for easier parsing.
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