Spice Console Issue

Jonathan Ballantine

New Member
Jan 10, 2019
I am new to Proxmox and have run into some problems with accessing a console via SPICE.

I setup a Kali Linux VM using virtio
Under Hardware, I have "Display" set to SPICE (qxl)
Under Options, I have "Qemu Agent" set to Yes

Running the command "qm agent 100 ping" in a shell on PVE doesn't return an error, which according to the PVE Wiki indicates it is responding correctly.

I have a SPICE viewer setup in Windows

When I click the arrow next to console and select SPICE, I run the file that downloads and I get the following error "Unable to connect to the graphic server c:\Users\*****\Downloads\download.vv"

What am I missing? Any help is appreciated.
first qemu agent and spice do not have anything to do with each other
second, have you direct access to the necessary ports on the pve machine? for spice access to port 3128 is necessary
first qemu agent and spice do not have anything to do with each other
I did not realize that, in my research I remember seeing them mentioned in a lot of the same stuff so I made a bad assumption.
second, have you direct access to the necessary ports on the pve machine? for spice access to port 3128 is necessary
I opened 3128 on PVE, from the PVE shell, if I run nmap -p 3128, it reports it as open. I also enabled the firewall for the datacenter, cluster, and VM, as well as checked the firewall box for the network interface on my node.

Error still persists

Here is the line in cluster.fw

IN ACCEPT -i net0 -dest -p tcp -dport 3128 -sport 3128 is the IP for my PVE server
I'd like to report that SPICE is now working. Once I update to PVE 5.3 and swapped antivirus software, the connection it started working.
I had been using Vipre. The firewall component can be a real pain at times. I found when I turned the FW off after upgrading to pve 5.3, SPICE was working, but would not whenthe FW was on. I made rules allowing outbound traffic over 3128, but it still wouldn't work. I had been experiencing similar issues with other applications, so I decided to move away from Vipre and try Windows Defender. Since then, SPICE is working perfectly.