The score of spamassassin gets truncated while processing (hence 1.99 results in 1)
One potential solution to the issue would be to identify the rules, which always hit in those very close cases and increase their score (e.g. set a custom score of 2 instead of 1.999 would do the trick)
Do your mails scoring 1.9 have a common rule which hits?
Is this still the case? From 3 to 4 is a big jump for spam filter. At 3 I'm cutting a lot of valid emails. At 4 a lot of junk is passing by.
The spamassassin rules change a lot. It is not feasible to babysit it all day and increase or decrease their value so that an integer value is accomodated.
Any ideas on how to get a finer control over the spam level?
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