[SOLVED] Sort options grayed out on Datacenter Backup list


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2018
I can only sort by Start Time and Storage headers in the Datacenter > Backup list. I cannot sort by any other column and the asc/desc buttons are grayed out. Is this expected behavior?
You can sort by Enabled, Node, Start Time, Storage.
The columns Day of Week and Selection are list values, therefore sorting isn't really useful.
Ah, so it's expected. You are correct, I can sort by the other columns, but the values for enabled are all checked and the values for Storage are all the same...so not useful to sort in this scenario.

But I would find it useful to sort by days because I try to space out weekly overnight backups with 2-3 each night...and if I add a new backup rule, I cannot sort by days to see which day would be best to add to - they are all out of order.

I can sort by Start Time, but then the days are now even more un-sorted.

A feature request maybe?
Why not adding a backup job per day, including those vms you want to backup that night.
This should be quite comprehensive in your case?

As mentioned before we currently allow multiple days per backup job, therefore sorting this column does not make sense.
If I did one backup job per day, I see there is only one Start Time permitted. Are the backups sequential then with that one starting time, versus simultaneous?

I hadn't considered your point about multiple days - that makes sense.
They will be performed sequentially