Some webinterface feature requests


Renowned Member
Jul 31, 2008

Some little features that could make proxmox even rock more (imo):

- In the virtual machine list: Make it possible to sort the vm's on their status, name, uptime.... by clicking on that column head

- Have a button in the vm configuration window to migrate that vm (I know it can be done now in the vm list and in the migrate menu)

- Have a button in the vm configuration window to backup that vm now

- Make it possible in the vm configuration to execute some commands on the hostnode after the vm has started (For example: I need to do a "mount --bind ..." of a directory of the host node to the vm)

- Have the possibility to clone a (running) vm

Thanks again for the great work!

Some little features that could make proxmox even rock more (imo):

- In the virtual machine list: Make it possible to sort the vm's on their status, name, uptime.... by clicking on that column head

yes, but this not that easy as it sounds as we have to consider the cluster behavior and the fact, that this page is regularly updating.

- Have a button in the vm configuration window to migrate that vm (I know it can be done now in the vm list and in the migrate menu)

we thought of this but then we decided to have this only on the list - as you should see the destination. also, I think migration is not a task what you do daily.

- Have a button in the vm configuration window to backup that vm now

backup has quite a few options, you how do you deal with this? should this button redirects to a backup-now page where you select the options?

- Make it possible in the vm configuration to execute some commands on the hostnode after the vm has started (For example: I need to do a "mount --bind ..." of a directory of the host node to the vm)

I assume this would be too complex for the gui, using the console for this should be enough: we will integrate a possibility to access the host console via web interface.

- Have the possibility to clone a (running) vm

Thanks again for the great work!

cloning is not that easy as you have to be aware of the host OS settings. doing backup with vzdump and restore to a different VMID is a good way to clone.

thanks for your suggestions making Proxmox VE better!
- In the virtual machine list: Make it possible to sort the vm's on their status, name, uptime.... by clicking on that column head

yes, but this not that easy as it sounds as we have to consider the cluster behavior and the fact, that this page is regularly updating.
ok, I thought that was the easiest one.

- Have a button in the vm configuration window to migrate that vm (I know it can be done now in the vm list and in the migrate menu)

we thought of this but then we decided to have this only on the list - as you should see the destination. also, I think migration is not a task what you do daily.
ok. I just had to go back to the vm list to do the migration. It would have been one click less if the button was there. No big deal

- Have a button in the vm configuration window to backup that vm now

backup has quite a few options, you how do you deal with this? should this button redirects to a backup-now page where you select the options?
Yes, redirect to a page with the backup options just like you have now with the migrate button on the vm list page. I use the backup a lot to backup a vm before I make changes in that vm. The only way now is to make a scheduled backup.

- Make it possible in the vm configuration to execute some commands on the hostnode after the vm has started (For example: I need to do a "mount --bind ..." of a directory of the host node to the vm)

I assume this would be too complex for the gui, using the console for this should be enough: we will integrate a possibility to access the host console via web interface.
Console to the hn via the web would be nice, but I personally would not use it a lot. ssh/putty always works a little sharper.

I am new to openvz, and need to mount a directory permanently from the host inside a vm. This can be done with mount --bind, but I'm still figuring out where I can put that to make it permanent so the mount is still there after I reboot that vm.

- Have the possibility to clone a (running) vm

cloning is not that easy as you have to be aware of the host OS settings. doing backup with vzdump and restore to a different VMID is a good way to clone.
Yes, I know. I was just thinking that a function doing a vzdump and restore in one movement would be a nice thing for the webinterface.
Same thing: Clone button -> new window with options (ip, vmid ...), and then execute vzdump/restore.

Same thing could be used for a restore to the same vmid via the webinterface: destroy/restore in one movement.
Just a restore function via the web interface would be nice.

These are just some tasks I had to do as en new proxmox user/fan. I think if these could be integrated in the webgui, most users would never have to worry about using the console.
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ok, I thought that was the easiest one.

ok. I just had to go back to the vm list to do the migration. It would have been one click less if the button was there. No big deal

Yes, redirect to a page with the backup options just like you have now with the migrate button on the vm list page. I use the backup a lot to backup a vm before I make changes in that vm. The only way now is to make a scheduled backup.

this sound ok, i will add this "Backup now" to our list, maybe we find a good place for this.

Console to the hn via the web would be nice, but I personally would not use it a lot. ssh/putty always works a little sharper.

I am new to openvz, and need to mount a directory permanently from the host inside a vm. This can be done with mount --bind, but I'm still figuring out where I can put that to make it permanent so the mount is still there after I reboot that vm.

example: my VMID is 114. so create a new file:
(I mount here /var/lib/vz/data/proxmox into the VM).

nano /etc/vz/conf/114.mount

/bin/mount -n --bind /var/lib/vz/data/proxmox /var/lib/vz/root/${VEID}/proxmox

exit $?
now, if you start your vm you will see the mounted dir. if the VM does not start, something is wrong but the log will point you to the right direction.

Yes, I know. I was just thinking that a function doing a vzdump and restore in one movement would be a nice thing for the webinterface.
Same thing: Clone button -> new window with options (ip, vmid ...), and then execute vzdump/restore.

Same thing could be used for a restore to the same vmid via the webinterface: destroy/restore in one movement.
Just a restore function via the web interface would be nice.

Restore via web interface is planned.

These are just some tasks I had to do as en new proxmox user/fan. I think if these could be integrated in the webgui, most users would never have to worry about using the console.
Clone will be helpfull...
in opennebula it is work but they don't have gui.
additionally in kvm is possible use flag ,macaddr=xx:xx:xx:xx for change macaddres, In same way can be changed IP.
Pretty good script to dynamically adjust mac and IPs can be found here:

in this script used somethin like this:
VNC_PORT=`expr ${VNC_DISPLAY} + 5900`
I hope you will add this feature.
additionally in kvm is possible use flag ,macaddr=xx:xx:xx:xx for change macaddres,

Proxmox VE automatically generates a mac address for you. You can change it in the config file if you want. Or what is the question?
I didn't catch that original thread was about cloning running guest.

I think that it will be helpful to have possibility to clone VM by web-interface. For example I am using Windows program which can use only one core on computer. It is not open source program. Running several copy of this program impossible without Virtual Machines. This program can communicate with other computers (MPI). For working now I am running several virtual machines (VM) on each node. On each VM I am running one copy of this program. In best case for me if all VM will be identical (except IP and Mac)

It will be greate to use one template of VM and run for example 4-8 copies from this template. In VirtualBox I did it by immutable disk. It is mean when machines started they identical, but all recording to disk performed to separated file. At the end of run I remove temproary files and have original state for machine.

Is it possible to realize in proxmox?
I didn't catch that original thread was about cloning running guest.

I think that it will be helpful to have possibility to clone VM by web-interface. For example I am using Windows program which can use only one core on computer. It is not open source program. Running several copy of this program impossible without Virtual Machines. This program can communicate with other computers (MPI). For working now I am running several virtual machines (VM) on each node. On each VM I am running one copy of this program. In best case for me if all VM will be identical (except IP and Mac)

It will be greate to use one template of VM and run for example 4-8 copies from this template. In VirtualBox I did it by immutable disk. It is mean when machines started they identical, but all recording to disk performed to separated file. At the end of run I remove temproary files and have original state for machine.

Is it possible to realize in proxmox?

not implemented and not on the current roadmap.
In VirtualBox I did it by immutable disk. It is mean when machines started they identical, but all recording to disk performed to separated file.

You can create such disk manuanly. First CD into the storage directory of you VM.

 cd /var/lib/vz/images/VMID/

lets assume your base image is called 'base-image.qcow2'. First set it to read-only:

chmod 0444 base-image.qcow2

Then create a writable clone with:

qemu-img create -b base-image.qcow2 -f qcow2 cloned-image.qcow2

Then you can use the web interface to use that image as harddisk.

Does that work?

Note: vzdump and migration does not work for such VMs.

- Dietmar
Yesterday I found better way to do it. And it is very simple.
I add to config file after information about ide = ",snapshot=on".
And it is work. I guess it will be great if you will add checkbox in disk configuration (web-interface) with snapshot on or off.
I guess it very simple to change proxmox for this. Advantage of this is that people can experiment with VM but after restarting it will have original state. Additionally you can add possibility to commit changes by clicking special button. This can be done because kvm (qemu) have this possibility already. But for me it is not necessary.

It is great that you pass all parameters from config file to kvm. It is make it more flexible to changes in kvm.

today I am going to try use same disk files for several VMs simultaneously

Thanks for reply.
Original File:
name: WL5
ide2: none,media=cdrom
smp: 1
vlan0: virtio=86:37:EE:A0:52:D1
bootdisk: ide0
ide0: vm-101-disk.qcow2
ostype: wxp
memory: 1024
boot: cd
freeze: 0
cpuunits: 1000
acpi: 1
kvm: 1
onboot: 0
New with snapshot:
name: WL5
ide2: none,media=cdrom
smp: 1
vlan0: virtio=86:37:EE:A0:52:D1
bootdisk: ide0
ide0: vm-101-disk.qcow2,snapshot=on
ostype: wxp
memory: 1024
boot: cd
freeze: 0
cpuunits: 1000
acpi: 1
kvm: 1
onboot: 0
I checked possibility to do it on KVM (in proxmox). It is possible.
1. I create one VM with Proxmox interface
2. Install XP and all soft
3. modified proxmox conf file for this VM. I changed
ide0: vm-101-disk.qcow2
ide0: vm-101-disk.qcow2,snapshot=on
4. created new VM. but don't install anything
5. modified config in same way like previous. It mean add ",snapshot=on"(step 3)
6. remove vm-201-disk.qcow2 from folder for second VM
7. add soft link from previous disk
proxmox:/var/lib/vz/images/201# ln -s ../101/vm-101-disk.qcow2 vm-201-disk.qcow2
Now I can run simultaneously 2 absolutely same VM except IP. Of course they can't save any data but you can add Network Drive or use samba from other plase.

For make possibility to fast modify base VM I create third VM but with "snapshot=off".

In this test I have shown that it is possible to start several VM from same disk. This machines will be Clones of one. It will be great if you will possibility to run several VM from one base VM in Proxmox interface.
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Suggestion: Show VM name along with the VM ID

First: Thank you very much for the incredibly well done job with Proxmox. (Yes, I have a very bad conscience until my company has donated a load of €)

Well, I was configuring a couple of VMs and realized I was missing the name of the VM preferably next to the VM ID and the VM type ("KVM/Qemu" or "OpenVZ").

Another thing I missed was (as mentioned in this thread) a method of cloning virtual disks between cluster nodes in order to create clone machines like I've done it with a Win2008 install and then just changed the PID key. A standard Win2008 installation takes a couple of hours anyway so it could save some time.
The way I cloned it was I just created a new machine with the same hdd size (25GB) on another cluster node, and then I stopped the first installation, copied the vm-disk*.qcow2 file to the other node replacing the "dummy" 25GB file.
It works but being able to do this from the webinterface would be even more incredible :-)
Again: Thanks!
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>> Restore via web interface is planned. <<

Ah ... I was going to ask for that.
Kind of pointless to have a backup w/o the restore option.

(OK so there is is a backup that a person with enough knowledge of the system could do a restore .... but if you have to find that person or the information to do it your self while people are pounding on you because the system is down .....:confused:)

Until it is included in the web interface are there any instructions for doing a restore available ?
>> Restore via web interface is planned. <<

Ah ... I was going to ask for that.
Kind of pointless to have a backup w/o the restore option.

(OK so there is is a backup that a person with enough knowledge of the system could do a restore .... but if you have to find that person or the information to do it your self while people are pounding on you because the system is down .....:confused:)

Until it is included in the web interface are there any instructions for doing a restore available ?

Restore is very easy -

For all vzdump options, just type:

man vzdump
I am a little ashamed to ask some new features as you have made a great work, thank you for offering that great product, also without that features.

1) cloning with resizing (uff, I know its not easy and was already treated)
2) create templates (i know, manually it is easy but for lazy peeps...)
3) a flag that forces the vm to stop at the BIOS when you start the vm
I am a little ashamed to ask some new features as you have made a great work, thank you for offering that great product, also without that features.

1) cloning with resizing (uff, I know its not easy and was already treated)
2) create templates (i know, manually it is easy but for lazy peeps...)
3) a flag that forces the vm to stop at the BIOS when you start the vm

ad 3: see the option tab 'Freeze CPU at startup'.

you can start the KVM guest, open the VNC console - now you see whats going on and to continue use the KVM monitor (type 'help' to see all options).