SOLVED: Windows QEMU Guest Agent service wont start


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
Hi Guys,
having lots of fun with proxmox and thought I would try to get the guest agent installed.

I have downloaded the most recent stable ISO 1.141 and found that the Service wouldn't start


I then downloaded the latest version 1.171 and I get this message


Windows 10 Pro

Could someone point me to what I am doing wrong?

PS - I have also enabled this but it always stays red even after a reboot

Update : Solved

You need to shut down the VM (not reboot)

Also don't use the latest version as it makes your VM use 100% of CPU when rebooting or shutting down and it doesn't close
You need to shut down the VM (not reboot)

yes, the "red" color is a bit missleading (as it signals normally an error) but here it means that there are "pending changes", i.e., changes which could not be applied to a live running VM and thus need a full shutdown and then new start.

In the future we plan to introduce a way so that we can also apply pending changes on a guest internal reboot, just FYI.
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Hi T,

besides getting the guest agent to run do I do anything else with the other files and folders on the ISO?

Also does this mean I havnt got the guest agent installed correctly?


yes, the "red" color is a bit missleading (as it signals normally an error) but here it means that there are "pending changes", i.e., changes which could not be applied to a live running VM and thus need a full shutdown and then new start.

In the future we plan to introduce a way so that we can also apply pending changes on a guest internal reboot, just FYI.
Hi there, I am fairly new to VM's and hypervisors and it might be useful to the Proxmox dev team to know that, as a newcomer, my first impression of teaching myself this new concept is that the website instruction sets are nearly all referring to command line instructions despite best practice advice seems to be to use the gui wherever possible as it has levels of built in protection that the comm line lacks. It might be prudent to update the online info to reflect a greater reliance on gui instructions and use, this is certainly where this OP's issues mat have arisen and most of mine to date too.
Also, earlier in this thread someone mentioned NOT using the latest QEMU version, would you know why this is the case and if not how to revert to an earlier variant?
Just to say incredible job so far, really mature software, I sincerely hope to make my living from deploying it professionally, keep up the great job - PROX DEVS ROCK!!