When I set up Prox, years ago -
(currently 7.3.4, and trying to pluck up the courage to bring it a bit more up to date.. last time I updated, it broke/wouldn't boot.)
I set my 'root' filesystem to just 15G, and on eveyday usage, it's been fine with no issues. (it's monitored with LibreNMS)
The VMs back up fine with no issues.
I recently set up an LXC, however the backup now fails, and have discovred that it uses /tmp to assemble the .zst before pushing it up to it's desitination (in this case a NAS)
The reason the backup fails as it dosen't have enough disk space on the main root file system.
looking at the command it runs. I note it specifies what tmp space to use.
I took a look in LXC.pm, not really speaking perl/or a coder.. I don't really want to tinker on a prod system.
How would I change the tmp location for back up creations, as the main data volume has bags of space and would be happy to have /tmp scratch space there.
or is there another alternative?
For the record, expanding the root partion is not an easy option.
73 Mark
When I set up Prox, years ago -
(currently 7.3.4, and trying to pluck up the courage to bring it a bit more up to date.. last time I updated, it broke/wouldn't boot.)
I set my 'root' filesystem to just 15G, and on eveyday usage, it's been fine with no issues. (it's monitored with LibreNMS)
The VMs back up fine with no issues.
I recently set up an LXC, however the backup now fails, and have discovred that it uses /tmp to assemble the .zst before pushing it up to it's desitination (in this case a NAS)
The reason the backup fails as it dosen't have enough disk space on the main root file system.
looking at the command it runs. I note it specifies what tmp space to use.
I took a look in LXC.pm, not really speaking perl/or a coder.. I don't really want to tinker on a prod system.
How would I change the tmp location for back up creations, as the main data volume has bags of space and would be happy to have /tmp scratch space there.
or is there another alternative?
For the record, expanding the root partion is not an easy option.
73 Mark