I have a small cluster of 3 Proxmox servers (running an ancient-but-can't-be-upgraded-right-now version 5-3-11) which, up until recently, have been sending their backup report emails every day like a good little cluster.
For ease, let's call them S1, S2 and S3.
However, of late and without any prior warning or any changes being made, one of the hosts (S2) just stopped sending messages. The backups were working OK but the email reports were not coming through.
Now, the other 2 hosts have also stopped sending their emails!
Except, on the very odd occasion.
This month, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of this month, they did NOT send, however, on the 4th they worked from S1. Yesterday, they didn't send again from any server.
If I read /var/log/mail.info, I can see that it seems to TRY to send but the connection is refused:
S2 and S3 can ping s1.mydomain.com without problem.
In Datacentre > Firewall > Options, Firewall is "No".
On S1 > Firewall > Options, Firewall is "Yes"
On S2 > Firewall > Options, Firewall is "Yes"
On S3 > Firewall > Options, Firewall is "Yes"
On each S, Firewall > Log just reads "0 5 - 06/Jul/2022:02:47:02 +0000 starting pvefw logger".
If I try to send a test email from any of the server consoles, I am informed:
mail: command not found
How can I troubleshoot or test this further please?
For ease, let's call them S1, S2 and S3.
However, of late and without any prior warning or any changes being made, one of the hosts (S2) just stopped sending messages. The backups were working OK but the email reports were not coming through.
Now, the other 2 hosts have also stopped sending their emails!
Except, on the very odd occasion.
This month, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of this month, they did NOT send, however, on the 4th they worked from S1. Yesterday, they didn't send again from any server.
If I read /var/log/mail.info, I can see that it seems to TRY to send but the connection is refused:
Jul 6 10:50:09 ovhuk128 postfix/smtp[13013]: connect to s1.mydomain.com[xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx]:25: Connection refused
S2 and S3 can ping s1.mydomain.com without problem.
In Datacentre > Firewall > Options, Firewall is "No".
On S1 > Firewall > Options, Firewall is "Yes"
On S2 > Firewall > Options, Firewall is "Yes"
On S3 > Firewall > Options, Firewall is "Yes"
On each S, Firewall > Log just reads "0 5 - 06/Jul/2022:02:47:02 +0000 starting pvefw logger".
If I try to send a test email from any of the server consoles, I am informed:
echo "This is the body of the email" | mail -s "This is the subject line" me@mydomain.com
How can I troubleshoot or test this further please?