[SOLVED] 8.2.2 - ZONES and VNETS always in NEW state (/etc/network/interfaces.d/ not populated)


Active Member
Apr 29, 2020

I haven't added any particular package for SDN after the installation.
I created bond0 whose members are two physical interface and linked vmbr0 to it.
Both bond0 and vmbr0 come up just fine.
All of above by using Linux objects, no OVS.

I then created 5 zones 802.1ad linked to vmbr0 and 2 VNETs each of them linked to a specific zone.

In the GUI both the zones and the vnets are stuck in NEW state and I have noticed that the directory /etc/network/interfaces.d/ is not populated at all. From my previous experience with 7.4, such directory should be populated with a configuration files about interface that make use of VETH links, shouldn't it?

the file /etc/network/interfaces does source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

ifreload -a -d returns an exit status of 0, but I see it reports that idoesn't find some executables, some of them related to OVS that I don't use at all.

debug: args = Namespace(all=True, currentlyup=False, CLASS=None, iflist=[], noact=False, verbose=False, debug=True, withdepends=False, perfmode=False, nocache=False, excludepats=None, usecurrentconfig=False, syslog=False, systemd=False, force=False, syntaxcheck=False, version=None, nldebug=False)
debug: creating ifupdown object ..
info: requesting link dump
info: requesting address dump
info: requesting netconf dump
debug: nlcache: reset errorq
debug: {'enable_persistent_debug_logging': 'yes', 'use_daemon': 'no', 'template_enable': '1', 'template_engine': 'mako', 'template_lookuppath': '/etc/network/ifupdown2/templates', 'default_interfaces_configfile': '/etc/network/interfaces', 'disable_cli_interfacesfile': '0', 'addon_syntax_check': '0', 'addon_scripts_support': '1', 'addon_python_modules_support': '1', 'multiple_vlan_aware_bridge_support': '1', 'ifquery_check_success_str': 'pass', 'ifquery_check_error_str': 'fail', 'ifquery_check_unknown_str': '', 'ifquery_ifacename_expand_range': '0', 'link_master_slave': '1', 'delay_admin_state_change': '0', 'ifreload_down_changed': '0', 'addr_config_squash': '0', 'ifaceobj_squash': '0', 'adjust_logical_dev_mtu': '1', 'state_dir': '/run/network/'}
info: loading builtin modules from ['/usr/share/ifupdown2/addons']
info: module openvswitch not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found)
info: module openvswitch_port not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found)
info: module ppp not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/pon found)
info: module batman_adv not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/sbin/batctl found)
debug: bridge: using reserved vlan range (0, 0)
debug: bridge: init: warn_on_untagged_bridge_absence=False
debug: bridge: init: vxlan_bridge_default_igmp_snooping=None
debug: bridge: init: arp_nd_suppress_only_on_vxlan=False
debug: bridge: init: bridge_always_up_dummy_brport=None
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.bridge.bridge-allow-multiple-vlans
debug: bridge: init: multiple vlans allowed True
info: module mstpctl not loaded (module init failed: no /sbin/mstpctl found)
info: executing /bin/ip rule show
info: executing /bin/ip -6 rule show
info: address: using default mtu 1500
info: address: max_mtu undefined
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf
info: executing /usr/sbin/ip vrf id
info: mgmt vrf_context = False
debug: dhclient: dhclient_retry_on_failure set to 0
info: executing /bin/ip addr help
info: address metric support: OK
info: module ppp not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/pon found)
info: module mstpctl not loaded (module init failed: no /sbin/mstpctl found)
info: module batman_adv not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/sbin/batctl found)
info: module openvswitch_port not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found)
info: module openvswitch not loaded (module init failed: no /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl found)
info: looking for user scripts under /etc/network
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-pre-up.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-up.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-post-up.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-pre-down.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-down.d ...
info: loading scripts under /etc/network/if-post-down.d ...
info: 'link_master_slave' is set. slave admin state changes will be delayed till the masters admin state change.
info: using mgmt iface default prefix eth
debug: reloading interface config ..
info: processing interfaces file /etc/network/interfaces
debug: processing sourced line ..'source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*'
debug: bond0: evaluating port expr '['ens2f0', 'ens2f1']'
debug: vmbr0: evaluating port expr '['bond0']'
debug: populate_dependency_info: deleting blacklisted interface enx3a68dd6cc4e7
debug: bond0: evaluating port expr '['ens2f0', 'ens2f1']'
debug: vmbr0: evaluating port expr '['bond0']'
info: no interfaces to down ..
info: reload: scheduling up on interfaces: ['lo', 'bond0', 'vmbr0']
debug: scheduling '['pre-up', 'up', 'post-up']' for ['lo', 'bond0', 'vmbr0']
debug: dependency graph {
lo : []
ens2f0 : []
ens2f1 : []
bond0 : ['ens2f1', 'ens2f0']
vmbr0 : ['bond0']
debug: graph roots (interfaces that dont have dependents): ['lo', 'vmbr0']
info: lo: running ops ...
debug: lo: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: lo: pre-up : running module link
debug: lo: pre-up : running module bond
debug: lo: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: lo: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: lo: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: lo: pre-up : running module bridge
debug: lo: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: lo: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: lo: pre-up : running module vrf
debug: lo: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: lo: pre-up : running module auto
debug: lo: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.lo.input=0
debug: lo: up : running module dhcp
debug: lo: up : running module address
debug: lo: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: lo: up : running module usercmds
debug: lo: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: lo: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
debug: lo: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: lo: statemanager sync state pre-up
debug: vmbr0: found dependents ['bond0']
debug: bond0: found dependents ['ens2f1', 'ens2f0']
info: ens2f1: running ops ...
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module link
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module bond
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module bridge
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module vrf
info: vrf: syncing table map to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables.d/ifupdown2_vrf_map.conf
info: vrf: dumping iproute2_vrf_map
info: {}
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module auto
debug: ens2f1: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.ens2f1.input=0
debug: ens2f1: up : running module dhcp
debug: ens2f1: up : running module address
debug: ens2f1: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: ens2f1: up : running module usercmds
debug: ens2f1: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: ens2f1: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
debug: ens2f1: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: ens2f1: statemanager sync state pre-up
info: ens2f0: running ops ...
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module link
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module bond
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module bridge
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module vrf
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module auto
debug: ens2f0: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.ens2f0.input=0
debug: ens2f0: up : running module dhcp
debug: ens2f0: up : running module address
debug: ens2f0: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: ens2f0: up : running module usercmds
debug: ens2f0: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: ens2f0: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
debug: ens2f0: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: ens2f0: statemanager sync state pre-up
info: bond0: running ops ...
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module link
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module bond
info: bond0: already exists, no change detected
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module bridge
info: vmbr0: applying bridge port configuration: ['bond0']
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module vrf
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module auto
debug: bond0: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.bond0.input=0
debug: bond0: up : running module dhcp
debug: bond0: up : running module address
debug: bond0: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: bond0: up : running module usercmds
info: executing ifconfig bond0 up
warning: bond0: up cmd 'ifconfig bond0 up' failed: returned 127 (/bin/sh: 1: ifconfig: not found
debug: bond0: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: bond0: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
debug: bond0: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: bond0: statemanager sync state pre-up
info: vmbr0: running ops ...
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module xfrm
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module link
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module bond
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module vlan
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module vxlan
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module usercmds
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module bridge
info: vmbr0: bridge already exists
info: vmbr0: applying bridge settings
info: vmbr0: reset bridge-hashel to default: 4
info: reading '/sys/class/net/vmbr0/bridge/stp_state'
info: vmbr0: netlink: ip link set dev vmbr0 type bridge (with attributes)
debug: attributes: {26: 4}
debug: vmbr0: evaluating port expr '['bond0']'
info: vmbr0: port bond0: already processed
info: vmbr0: applying bridge configuration specific to ports
info: vmbr0: processing bridge config for port bond0
debug: vmbr0: evaluating port expr '['bond0']'
info: bridge mac is already inherited from bond0
debug: vmbr0: _get_bridge_mac returned (bond0, b4:96:91:db:41:de)
debug: vmbr0: cached hwaddress value: b4:96:91:db:41:de
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module bridgevlan
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module tunnel
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module vrf
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module ethtool
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module auto
debug: vmbr0: pre-up : running module address
info: executing /sbin/sysctl net.mpls.conf.vmbr0.input=0
info: writing '0' to file /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/vmbr0/arp_accept
debug: vmbr0: up : running module dhcp
debug: vmbr0: up : running module address
info: executing /bin/ip route replace default via proto kernel dev vmbr0 onlink
debug: vmbr0: up : running module addressvirtual
debug: vmbr0: up : running module usercmds
debug: vmbr0: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/postfix
debug: vmbr0: up : running script /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
info: executing /etc/network/if-up.d/chrony
debug: vmbr0: post-up : running module usercmds
debug: vmbr0: statemanager sync state pre-up
debug: saving state ..
info: exit status 0

What am I doing wrong?
As a workaround, is there a way to manually trigger the creation of those files by launching a script?

Last edited:
can you post the output of the following commands?

cat /etc/network/interfaces
cat /etc/pve/sdn/*

Does applying the configuration work? Can you post the task log when applying the SDN configuration?
@shanreich , shame on me. It was a bit that I hadn't worked with ProxMox and I looked for the bottom "Apply" within the sections "Zones" and "VNETs". Instead is at the SDN section level.

FYI: while working on the issue, the GUI threw another error: basically I gave an IP address to the vmbr0 (based on a bond0). Apparently in Linux is possible, but the GUI rejects it. I thought zone and vnet changes were not applied due to that. So I removed everything (started from VNETs and Zones) and created every object from scratch, of course it was not the root cause.

So, the answer was that I didn't apply the changes :)

Sorry for such a newbie question, but may I say that it is not written anywhere in the docs? May I suggest to maybe add a small reminder in the zone and vnet section that to apply changes you must "go up" one level? Or for a better UX, once there are pending changes, the SDN label start blinking (I know ProxMox front end devs might be limited in what they can and cannot do in the GUI.

Anyway, thanks again for taking time with replying to me!
