Slow transfert in OpenmediaVault

Thats interesting.
Are the SATA drives directly connected to the controller vor via an expander/backplane?
I have had issues in the past with the expander-approach.
Even while sata is technically a subset of SAS it has huge differences in some ways...
You know what ??!!
I dont know yet, but confident. My BBWC battery is blown away....the pack is 2 times bigger as usual. So I dont have it running, that should affect all cache,. And BBWC in that specific case !!!
Have to try !!
Depending on your cache-settings a bad bbwc means write cache off. (That's the default.)
That can easily result in the situation of overwhelmed disks.
Do the WD blue by any case use smr recording? That would make things worse...
Ok, so I finally founded whats wrong. In fact, there is 2 things !!
1st, on the raid controller, there is an option called "Drive Write cache" default setted to "NO". I never seen that option cause I never installed the raid linux application control ( my bad ), but when did all my tests, I install it. You can look at the picture bellow, they show files transfer ( 10 gig ), from Win10 PC to my OMV Guest VM running on Proxmox Host. ( everything is in french, but you could be able to figure out what it means !! ) So on the right, my issue, on the left, issue fixed on my tests with write cache enabled !!!

So after that, I wiped all my tests from all drives server and back on track, I rebuilt everything. But problem back again, same issue, but write cache still enabled. When I did my tests, I was with one HDD SAS running Host VM and Guest HDD with OMV and one SATA direct to OMV, with only 1 drives per array ( SATA has to be a Raid array 0 when used in single drive mode on Hp server G7 ).

When I rebuilt all my stuffs, I did 2 arrays. 1st one with 2 SAS and the other with 2 x SATA. After few tests, I noticed that 2 SATA in array doesnt work well. So, final result, Write cache enable, one array of 2xSAS and one array of 1 SATA only. I will have to find an other backup than RAID 0+1.

Thanks you for your help :)
