Hello. This is a lengthy problem so I will condense it to few essential details as possible. I have an lxc container on Proxmox Virtual Environment 8.2.4 using the template for Debian 12 standard 12.2-1 amd64. That container is hosting an http proxy using the application tinyproxy. Applications that connect to the proxy have very fast upload speeds ~300 megabits per second. But the download speed is an abysmal 25 megabits per second. A few important points...
I have never used containers before and am completely new to Proxmox so I am not sure what logs or other information is appropriate to send. Please let me know whatever you need to assist and I will do my best to provide it.
I appreciate any help you can give! Thank you.
- I have granted the container the maximum number of cpu cores and unlimited cpu utilization.
- I have granted the container 512 MB of RAM, which is uses only up to about 15%.
- While testing download speeds, I notice the CPU seems to barely move past 4%. But during the fast upload speeds it can go up to about 25% utilization.
- Firewall is disabled for the container.
- I installed 2 other proxy applications to see if they would work better, microsocks (socks5) and squid (http). Both show the exact same slow speed of about 25 Mb/s/
- I installed tinyproxy on the proxmox host and connected to it. The download speeds were an instant ~300 Mb/s.
- I installed speedtest on the container and ran it. Download speeds were ~300 Mb/s. In other words, download speeds to the container are fine. Only download speeds from the internet -> container-> proxy->my device are slow.
- I installed a full Debian VM using the debian-12.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso provided on the Debian website. Download speeds crept up to ~300 Mb/s, albeit slower to accelerate than the host test in step 2, but were otherwise perfectly fine.
I have never used containers before and am completely new to Proxmox so I am not sure what logs or other information is appropriate to send. Please let me know whatever you need to assist and I will do my best to provide it.
I appreciate any help you can give! Thank you.