Single node with all votes


Dec 17, 2019
I have 4 machines. A single custom built storage server and 3 NUCs.

The 3 NUCs won't be using local storage at all, and all rely on the storage server. I want to manage all the machines running Proxmox via a single pane of glass. The storage server will run TrueNAS, exporting NFS shares for itself and the NUCs.

My idea is that, since the NUCs rely on the storage server anyway, why do they need any corosync votes? So I want to give the storage server all the votes and the NUCs 0 votes.

Is there a reason I wouldn't want to do this?
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My idea is that, since the NUCs rely on the storage server anyway, why do they need any corosync votes? So I want to give the storage server all the votes and the NUCs 0 votes.
I would give the NUCs 1 vote, and the storage server 4 votes (so that the number of votes still indicates how many NUCs are online). But yes, that should work.
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